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New Shen Spectator, 13 Cloud, 10,000 YHR

  New Shen authorities have declared a major incident today after a blast occurred last night on Hyacinth street, a block away from the night-market.   The blast was heard around 3 A.M. across the eastern quarter. It was initially presumed magical in nature, having originated from the long-closed Grand Hyacinth Hotel, well known to residents as a centre of paranormal activity.   The Hotel, shut down by government decree after a gas leak caused the death of over thirty guests, has been the focus of multiple local petitions demanding it be demolished.   "It was a disaster waiting to happen," claimed local resident Ha Bo-Lee, 82, whose apartment is directly opposite the hotel. "Everyone knows that place* is haunted. When the blast woke me up, I knew it was ghosts."   Ha claims that, upon looking out her window, she saw spirits on the roof of the hotel. "It was a great big ball of light," she said. "And there were four people fighting it. I couldn't see them properly, but it didn't look like they knew what they were doing. Then the police came, the spirit-ball disappeared, and one of them turned into a giant bird and carried the rest away. One of them shot at the police as they flew off, but they missed."   As improbable as the story may sound, this series of events was echoed by a number of key witnesses, including a source from within the police. The anonymous source tells the Spectator that one officer returned in a state of 'great terror', 'mumbling incoherently about eagles'. Another resident of the tenement opposite the hotel, Revelation Kai, 32, insists that the spirit other witnesses saw was an illusion. He believes that the four figures on the roof were a terrorist cell plotting a quick getaway. "They must have tried to blow up the hotel and failed," he said. "Curses on those hooligans. They woke up the whole street. May the Empress punish them for their crimes."   The real explanation, however, may be more mundane. In her official statement, Police Commissioner Cha stated that although investigations are ongoing, the incident is likely the result of a new gas leak. She told reporters that a high level of carbon monoxide gas was detected within the abandoned hotel, which could easily have ignited somehow and caused the blast. "These gases are well-known to cause hallucinations," she said. "It is not improbable that the strange sightings of local residents were caused by carbon monoxide poisoning."   When asked for comment, Governor Yu-Jin echoed the sentiments of the Commissioner. In a press release, he stated that "We hold that the most likely explanation is a gas leak. Although, if it wasn't, that would be pretty exciting, wouldn't it?"   *Language amended for propriety as per Imperial 'kindness in media' decree 2.1.989
Text, Newspaper

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