Agility Classes


Agility classes are classes which focus on high single target damage, and which tend to focus on speedily picking them off with focused attacks then with attacking larger groups of enemies. Defensively, they also use their skills to avoid taking damage rather than defend against large attacks.  

Offensive capabilities

Primary Agility Classes tend to deal a lot of damage against single targets in large bursts, especially at close range. This high level of damage burst usually has the downside of low damage over time, with much of the power they wield concentrated in their Tactical, and Non-Formation abilities.  

Defensive capabilities

Agility Classes rely most on their evasion for survival, and have included in their attacks the ability to evade damage. They are more fragile as a result, and require skillful and constant quick thinking to evade attacks.  

Utility capabilities

With their focus mostly being on damage, Agility classes rarely provide any utility to a party, and instead focus on their opponent. Any assistance they do provide is done through their Secondary or Tertiary Roles  

Secondary Role

  • Classes which are Secondary role Agility can provide a good amount of single target damage to their enemies, with the caveat of being more vulnerable to attack.
  • Tertiary Role

  • Classes which are Tertiary Agility passively provide additional single target damage in their skills, be they for offense, defense or support.
  • Roleplay Elements


    Standard Sphere Guidelines: Agility

    Control List Shaping Forms:
    Blast, Trap, Swarm, Persist, Verticus, Arc, Blindside, Targeted, Mark, Preemptive
    Control List Martial Forms:
    Pierce Line, Strike Line, Weapon Dance

    Sphere NumberDescription
    O1 - Agility Alignment: Agility focused classes utilize their specific expertise and elemental control to evade, avoid, and deal high single target damage to target enemies. This gives a bonus of up to the number of points in this sphere in terms of rolls to determine the outcome (bonus to rolls for avoiding damage through movement, and bonus to sneak attack damage against vulnerable enemies). 2 - Agility Access: The player is able to choose 2 Shaping forms and 1 Martial Form that they can use in combat from which they can create "Threads" from the list above. They gain an additional 2 forms every point in this sphere, and an additional Martial Form every 2 points.
    OOAgility Stealth: The Agility focused player is better able to use their elemental powers to keep themselves out of sight, enhancing their stealthiness with their powers. With points in this sphere and justification of how this would work with their powers, players can enhance their Stealth with an Agility Roll.
    OOOAgility Benefits: The Agility focused player is better able to enhance their evasive maneuvers with their elemental power, increasing their chances of success. With points in this sphere and justification of how this would work with their powers, players can enhance their Evasiveness with an Agility Roll.
    OOOOAgility Strike: The Agility focused player can designate a target of their attack. As long as their target has lost track of their whereabouts, the player can deal additional Precision damage with their next attack, including any Shaping or Martial Ability, up to the number of points in Agility. This is added on to the regular Precision damage they might do in an ambush
    OOOOOAgility Expertise: The Agility focused player has guaranteed to apply bonus Precision Damage dice to any enemy who is unable to focus on them directly or has simultaneous perception of them and other targets. Additionally, their stealth and evasion difficulty is lessened.


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