Air Sphere


"Without Air, there is no Breath. Without Breath, there is no Life. Who among us might yet live without breathing? Eh? Who among us can deny the necessity of breath for life? The fish breathes, though it lives in water. The plant breathes, though we may not hear it. And if they yet breathe, who then can deny the power that the Air has over our lives?" - Lempiris Masaamei, First of the 5 Founders of the Winged Isles
The Air Sphere represents all 'airs' including all breathable and non-breathable gasses. As such, those who can control the Air sphere have supreme mastery over the air quality and quantity as it exists, and with great control and power can parse and maintain breathable air in even the most unlikely of places.  

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Air

Auxiliary List of Shaping Forms:
Swarm, Rain, Persist, Burst, Structure, Trigger, Arc, Flow, Targeted, Preemptive, Semi-Autonomous, Simulte, Link
Auxiliary List of Martial Forms:
Covering Counterstrike, Remote Cover, Infusion Strike

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Air Sense: The player is able to sense the air around them, as well as the existence and concentration of other gases, including those that are not breathable. 2 - Pressure Sense: The player is also aware of the conditions that result in wind, weather and other sudden changes in air pressure. With additional points in the Water Sphere, they can predict the weather.
OOAir Bending: The player is able to manipulate the air around them, creating minor to moderate gusts of wind, but unable to focus, concentrate or 'shape' the wind under their control.
OOOAerial Resonance: The player is able to resonate with non-air gasses, allowing for manipulation of said gasses and an innate understanding of their properties.
OOOOAir Shaping: The player is able to make simple shapes of constantly moving air, as well as create strong gusts of wind. The player is also able to make more narrow, concentrated blasts of wind as well.
OOOOOGaseous Solidification: By narrowing their concentrations of wind and stilling them, the player is able to create constructs of 'Solid Air', which allows them to create more complex shapes of air with further control. These structures are initially as fragile as glass, dissolving if shattered, but become more reinforced with 2 points in Mysterai, or 3 or more points in any of the defensive forces (Elmentai, Lux, Terron, Magnus, Estricto), as infusions of these forces further reinforce the structures.
OOOOO OAir Generation: The player can generate Air with a large expenditure of energy, allowing them to generate air in conditions where air is unavailable, as well as create solidified air.
OOOOO OOAir Control: The player is able to create moderately complex shapes of constantly moving, air, as well as complex shapes of solid air. The player can also generate hurricane force winds, as well as concentrate winds of that speed to deal massive damage to physical objects.
OOOOO OOOAir Resistance: The player can move through air extremely quickly, and is able to survive any altitude. The player is also able to fly if they were unable to already, and if they were, they can fly already they can do so at extreme speeds without issue and with perfect control.
OOOOO OOOOThe Sky's Hand: The player is able to grasp large quantities of air so long as they hold onto a construct of solid air. For as long as that construct of air lasts, they can wield the air around it alongside that construct.
OOOOO OOOOOMastery of Air: The player is able to wield air and solid air constructs in a fashion limited only by their energy control. They can also create vacuums of air with great concentration and focus.


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