Aspect of Force Arms

Core Abilities

  Those who wield this Aspect have the ability to permanently transform their arms into an element at random upon Awakening. In doing so, their arms are replaced with a pure elemental structure which retains their original form. Over time, they can control the emanations of this elemental structure, creating projections in different forms that allow them to manipulate their element through their arms.  

Supportive Abilities

  • Immunity to their chosen element.
  • Subconscious maintenance of base structure (Elmentai) in regards to arms, without any affinity for the Elmentai element
  • Sensing energy through arms (reduce difficulty of Energy Sensing by 1)
  • The ability to handle dangerous materials with ease.
  • Extremely Long ranged usage of Foci (Difficulty through distance of Celestial Sphere abilities reduce by 2).

Celestial Cores

  • Elemental Arms (Random Selected (RS) Element O)
  • Elemental Grasp (RS Element OOO)
  • Elemental Bindings [Through near-ubiquitous use of wrappings to surround the Elemental Arms] (RS Element OO)
  • Elemental Patterning (RS Element OOOO)

Outer Manifestation

  As is obvious, the most notable visual part of those with this aspect is the fact that both arms (or rarely, one) is entirely composed of energy.

Node Locations

  The major node locations for this Aspect are the ball-joints of each shoulder, in the core of the bone. It is the source of the energy that makes up their arms as well as what maintains the sub-concious maintenance of their arms basic structure in energy form.

Elent Form & Abilities


Myst Form & Abilities


Flou Form & Abilities


Fatu Form & Abilities

Paragonic Origin Paragon - (Insert Paragon here)   Control Schema Unilis - Random Element from birth   Associated Nations/Peoples Ethretian - Nation of Etherett   Mastery Focus Shaping Leaning - This Aspect requires substantial training to control their power before focusing on Sagecraft and Sagesight.


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