Auxiliary Classes


Auxiliary classes are classes which in one way or another provide supportive buffs to themselves and/or their allies, as well as protective shields, healing, and any other supportive element, which all fall under the umbrella of the category Boons. They can also provide indirect damage through these methods, such as explosive shields and damaging auras. For defense, Auxiliary takes one of two paths: Push through with strong heals/shields, or with strong defensive structures that take the damage for them.  

Offensive capabilities

Primary Auxiliary Classes tend to have low directly offensive capabilities compared to any of the categories. They rarely deal direct damage, and instead deal damage indirectly through the effects of the buffs, shields, healing, and boosts they provide.  

Defensive capabilities

Auxiliary Classes innately have strong defensive and self-sustaining elements to allow them to survive in battle. The major downside to this is that, to do so, the Auxiliary Classes would need to focus their abilities on themselves for self-preservation. As a result, the rely on teammates to function at their best.  

Utility capabilities

Auxiliary Classes are the best, hands down at providing support for their allies, be it through healing, buffs, auras, shields, or whatever Boon is needed in the moment. Their purpose, as expressed in the title, is to augment the strength of their allies.  

Secondary Role

  • Classes which are Secondary role Auxiliary can provide a good amount of support to their allies, but either not to the same potency or not to the same depth as Primary Auxiliary classes.
  • Tertiary Role

  • Classes which are Tertiary Auxiliary passively provide Boons to their allies with some of their abilities, but their supportive powers do not play an active role in their general capabilities under normal circumstances.
  • Roleplay Elements


    Standard Sphere Guidelines: Auxiliary

    Auxiliary List of Shaping Forms:
    Swarm, Rain, Persist, Burst, Structure, Trigger, Arc, Flow, Targeted, Preemptive, Semi-Autonomous, Simulte, Link
    Auxiliary List of Martial Forms:
    Covering Counterstrike, Remote Cover, Infusion Strike

    Sphere NumberDescription
    O1 - Auxiliary Alignment: Auxiliary focused classes utilize their specific expertise and elemental control to support, shield, heal, or otherwise assist their allies. This gives a bonus dice of up to the number of points in this sphere in terms of rolls to determine the outcome. 2 - Auxiliary access: The player is able to choose 3 Shaping forms and 1 Martial Form that they can use in combat from which they can create "Threads" from the list above. They gain an additional 3 forms every level, and an additional Martial Form every 2 levels.
    OOAuxiliary Preparations: The Auxiliary focused player is able to make use of herbal and medical knowledge to make use of items which help allies. With knowledge of herbs, they can replenish these items when in a natural environment by rolling Perception + Auxiliary Points to find them and Intelligence + Auxiliary points to craft them
    OOOAuxiliary Benefits: The Auxiliary focused player is capable of Elemental Healing. So long as the element is not one that opposes their own, an ally has a chance of gaining a minor form of healing from buffs deriving from elemental spheres outside of Vivo. For every 3 points of elemental support, shield, or other non-offensive assistive effect provided (or 1 critical success), players heal 1 entire point of health, removing all cumulative damage on said point. This can only occur on the initial casting of an ability, and not continually in situations where the buff is refreshed multiple times through various means.
    OOOOAuxiliary Creations: The Auxiliary focused player is able to facilitate, analyze and (with enough points in the skills needed) create items to assist and protect allies. This is treated as a bonus to Craft or Specialization specifically as it pertains to the development of Trinkets or other items.
    OOOOOAuxiliary Expertise: The Auxiliary focused player has guaranteed 1 point of minor healing from all energy buffs applied according to the rules of Elemental Healing, regardless of how many points of elemental support/shield/inoffensive effect are in play, and this can occur if the effect refreshes and a critical success is rolled. Additionally, their creations (trinkets and/or medicines) are much more potent (lover threshold for success, and they can find healing plants in nearly any environment.


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