Bulwark Classes


Bulwark classes are classes which focus on high defenses and moderate damage, steadily dealing damage while being able to absorb a lot more. Bulwark classes tend to push through the damage enemies deal to dish out their own rather than avoiding it.  

Offensive capabilities

Bulwark Classes tend to do moderate damage. They do not dish out the high damage that the more offensive classes do, but they deal sustained direct damage generally on par with the sustained indirect damage done by those of the Control Classes.  

Defensive capabilities

Bullwark Classes innately have the highest level of defense of all the classes. Additionally, they pair their defensive abilities with the ability to take damage or targeting away from allies and onto themselves in order to help preserve the team. Finally and most importantly, Bulwark Classes are able to defend their allies from devastating attacks, as their powerful guards can block wide enough to shield others.  

Utility capabilities

While Bulwark Classes do not provide the direct utility that the supportive classes do, their mere presence on the battlefield provides indirect utility through the redirection of damage, team defense and the drawing of fire that is invaluable on the battlefield.  

Secondary Role

  • Classes which are Secondary role Bulwark tent to provide the indirect support that Bulwark gives the team but which have less defense and provides different methods of sustaining through the damage they receive as a result.
  • Tertiary Role

  • Classes which are Tertiary Bulwark passively block damage for themselves and their allies in certain circumstances, as well as damage redirection.
  • Roleplay Elements


    Standard Sphere Guidelines: Bulwark

    Bulwark List of Shaping Forms:
    Zone, Blast, Persist, Structure, Trigger, Flow, Reactive, Mark, Preemptive, Link
    Bulwark List of Martial Forms:
    Wide Cleave, Spin Strike, Covering Counterstrike

    Sphere NumberDescription
    O1 - Bulwark Alignment: Bulwark focused classes utilize their specific expertise and elemental control to Absorb, Disrupt, and Redirect damage to themselves. This gives a bonus of up to the number of points in this sphere in terms of dice to determine the outcome. 2 - Bulwark Access: The player is able to choose 2 Shaping forms and 1 Martial Form that they can use in combat from which they can create "Threads" from the list above. They gain an additional 2 forms every level, and an additional Martial Form every 2 levels.
    OOBulwark Absorption: The Bulwark focused player is able to enhance the damage absorption given by their defensive trigger items, allowing them to absorb more damage by an amount equal to 1/2 number of points in this sphere, rounded up.
    OOOBulwark Taunting: The Bulwark focused player is better able to use their powers to distract and taunt enemies to attack them or miss their allies, improving allied chances of survival. The player is thus able to use the number of points in Bulwark as a bonus to dice to be able to either taunt enemies into attacking the player, or otherwise reduce their effectiveness against allies.
    OOOOBuwark Strike: The Bulwark focused player can use the force of their power to violently displace their opponents, shifting them around the battlefield against their will with their strength and powers combined. Any displacing ability gains a bonus to dice for success equal to the number of points in Bulwark, and they gain an additional number of attacks of opportunity per point in Bulwark that does not require additional action rules.
    OOOOOBulwark Expertise: The Bulwark focused player has an reduced difficulty to Taunt, Distract, Demoralize or Disrupt enemies, can absorb more attacks with their armor bonus points equal to 1/2 the number of points in this sphere (rounded up) + the number of successes in a roll of 1/2 the number of points in this sphere (rounded up) per battle at the cost of a point in will power.


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