Celestial Cores


Celestial Cores are the key element of The Celestial Tapestry in how Aspectral Power is controlled and manipulated. They are, in short, mental manifestations that the wielder becomes aware of of both their powers and their developed skills. Through mentally connecting these mental manifestations to their Celestial Tapestry as their source of power, wielders of Aspectral power are able to harness and focus their abilities, making use of this awareness to manipulate the world. Thus, aside from mental disruptions that can affect the resonance connection, wielders of aspectral power must be aware and conscious of their Aspectral power to make effective use of it.  

Core Variations

Celestial Cores have numerous variations which, depending on how they are arranged, results in individual and generalized abilities across power types. Below is the list of potential variations that exist.
  • Linked Cores - Linked Cores are two or more cores which cannot individually be activated through resonance, but which instead must be activated simultaneously. Attempting to activate a single resonance is possible in these cases, but only after undergoing extensive training and requires additional focus.
  • Duality Cores - Duality Cores are cores which serves two functions either simultaneously or alternatively. This allows for the wielder of Aspectral Power to quickly shift the nature of their power and control on a dime, allowing for potent effects.
  • Psionic Block - A Psionic Block is a mental barrier that prevents Aspectral wielders from accessing all their Aspect Cores. Most people are able to bypass Psionic blocks through training, though that takes an extensive period of time. Aspect wielders who have their powers awakened at a young age have most of their Aspects Blocked until they achieve a sort of 'Second Awakening', an achievement much more rapidly occurring if the Aspect Wielder is an Adept.
  • Unlinked Cores - An Unlinked Core is a pair of cores that would normally be linked, but which are blocked by a Psionic Block, a generally abnormal occurrence. An Unlinked Core renders usage of such powers unstable, as it can easily lead to depsyncronization through inadvertent activation of the core that is Psionically blocked, with little way of stopping it under normal circumstances.
  • Empty Cores - Empty Cores are cores that, upon becoming accessible, need to be 'filled' or 'aligned' permanently with some sort of elemental property or phenomenon. Once done, this Core can then be fully harnessed to make use of the wielder's Aspectral power, and generally from this decision other Cores can develop rapidly depending on the choice.
  • Hollow Cores - Hollow Cores are cores that are flexible, and can have elements or items temporarily fill its space to allow for use as part of one's Aspectral Power. Hollow Cores can become empty cores through a specific process known as "Nodal Influx", where a person deliberately focuses on maintaining focus and bodily function through the energy of their Celestial Tapestry through fasting and absorbing energy either from the environment in areas of high concentration or from within the water that they drink. The process by which this works is unknown, but it is stipulated that this strengthens the nodal connection to the element/object so much that the Hollow Core functions in that moment as an Empty Core.
  • Phenom Cores - Phenom Cores are Cores revolving around the information stored within the Celestial Tapestry and memory of a phenomenon that the Aspect wielder encountered and absorbed, sometimes along with the energy of the phenomenon itself. This normally occurs as an Empty Core is filled through a person's awakening, but it can also occur as a Hollow Core under other circumstances. The properties of these phenom cores tend to generate other cores which the wielder can then choose to focus on to expand their control.
  • Harmonium Cores - Harmonium Cores are cores that can resonate together to create a new phenomenon. While this may require some level of training, the ability to create a temporary link mentally between multiple cores is key to the functioning of a number of different Aspectral abilities.
Metaphysical, Psychic


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