Control Classes


Control classes are classes which focus on debuffing the enemy and providing crowd control and disruptive elements, all placed under the category of Banes. Instead of doing direct damage, control classes tend to deal damage over time effects such as poisons or bleed effects while performing their disruptive roles. For defense, their crowd control provides a strong cover for themselves or their allies, but when push comes to shove they tend to borrow other methods of defense or evasion.  

Offensive capabilities

Primary Control Classes tend to have strong but indirect offensive capabilities compared to the other class categories. They deal low direct damage, and primarily defeat their opponents through a combination of attrition, damage over time effects, and debuffs.  

Defensive capabilities

Control Classes innately have a moderate to low defense, using their control over the battlefield and their opponents to serve as an indirect form of defense. When they must form a direct defense, they tend to use their skills to evade rather than directly take large attacks.  

Utility capabilities

In the same way that Auxiliary Classes are the best at providing support for their allies, Control Classes are best ad debilitating their enemies. Their focus is to control the battlefield to prevent their opponents from performing at their best, to be disruptive, and to provide constant damage over time.  

Secondary Role

  • Classes which are Secondary role Control can provide a good amount of debuffs to their enemies, but either have to take greater risks, or deal with a lower duration on their abilities.
  • Tertiary Role

  • Classes which are Tertiary Control passively debuff enemies with select abilities, or under select circumstances in a passive way.
  • Roleplay Elements


    Standard Sphere Guidelines: Control

    Control List of Shaping Forms:
    Wave, Zone, Trap, Rain, Persist, Verticus, Zone Wave, Flow, Targeted, Reactive, Mark, Semi-Autonomous, Link
    Control List of Martial Forms:
    Weapon Dance , Infusion Strike, Strike Line

    Sphere NumberDescription
    O1 - Control Alignment: Control focused classes utilize their specific expertise and elemental control to debuff, disrupt, and otherwise debilitate their enemies. This gives bonus dice of up to the number of points in this sphere in terms of rolls to determine the outcome of status application to enemies. 2 - Control access: The player is able to choose 3 Shaping forms and 1 Martial Form that they can use in combat from which they can create "Threads" from the list above. They gain an additional 3 forms every level, and an additional Martial Form every 2 levels.
    OOController Trapfinding: The Control focused player is able use their elemental powers to enhance their ability to find and disarm traps in their environment. If justified, the player can roll additional bonus dice equal to their Control Alignment to search for traps with Perception+Alertness/Energy Sensitivity
    OOOControl Benefits: The Control focused player has an additional chance of debuffing enemies with the elements under their control, with the resulting debuff or 'Bane' being dependent on the element infused by it. They must roll Intonation + Control vs the opponent's Stamina + Grit to determine how effective this application is.
    OOOOControlling Creations: The Control focused player can set up their own elemental traps and hide them using their elemental abilities, along with their conventional expertise. This adds bonus Control Dice to dice rolls on creating long lasting traps (Intelligence + Craft/Specialization) and hiding them (Wits + Subterfuge) with their elemental abilities.
    OOOOOControl Expertise: The Control focused player has guaranteed to apply an intended status effect on enemies with their so long as they roll three or more out of their successes when rolling Control. Additionally, their traps are more effective (lower difficulty to hit enemies), and they can find hidden traps with lower difficulty.


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