Destinua - Force of Fate and Consequence


"All actions result in reactions. For every cause, there is always an effect. This fundamental truth is born out into our every day lives. We breathe, therefore we gain the vital necessities of life. We walk, therefore by walking we transport ourselves over distances, great and small. The Primordial force Fatua governs this hidden but common aspect of our everyday actions."
  This Primordial Force denotes the essential principles of cause and effect, action and reaction, give and take. It is the force in which all things have their being. Fatua is the hardest to perceive or sense out of all the primordial forces, but it is the most fundamental. The source of both Intonation and the effects thereof are due to this force, as are the various Aspectral abilities themselves and the conditions under which they can be activated. It also is the force behind all causes and effects, and those rare souls who have even the slightest control over it are granted near-unimaginable powers.      

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Destinua

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Mechanics of Fate: Any player with a point in this sphere is attuned to an understanding of probability, cause and effect, and the amount of energy necessary to perform a phenomenon. This ability becomes refined further with more points in this sphere. 2 - Disruptions of Consequence: Because of the above understanding, anything that heavily disrupts the natural forms of these trends (Use of Fluva or Majyk) requires additional masking in the presence of one with this power.
OOBend the Effect: A player with this gift can bend the effects of any action observed in his presence. This requires active manipulation to do so, and thus cannot be structured under the Forms of Sagecraft.
OOOMinor Fated Infusion: A player at this sphere level can influence the workings of an already existing Foci object, twisting the nature of the energy it releases to perform a specific action. This effect must be reset each time.
OOOOConditional Reaction: A player weaves cause and effect into a probability field around a target object or person. If the conditions are met, their energy is drained as the power manifests itself in a way as to generate the effect. Does not work if the player does not have the energy or there is not enough ambient energy to manifest the power.
OOOOOGrasped Destiny: A player at this level can use Destinuan energy in accordance with the Forms of Sagecraft, allowing them to have multiple concurrent Fated effects of the above nature.
OOOOO OTwist the Effect: A player can bend the effects of any action in their vicinity to a strange degree, converting Destinuan energy into the energy necessary to perform the action, as well as taking advantage of any ambient energy in the area.
OOOOO OOSilence Disruptions: While Destinuan energy cannot entirely stop Majyk, it can disrupt its function. Through creating an adjusted probability field, the player can disrupt the targeting, accuracy, and potency of majykal effects. This passively occurs on all Infusions, Bends/Twists/Warps, and Reactions.
OOOOO OOO1 - Major Infusion: The player can create an Infusion on any object, which then pulls from both the wielder and the surrounding environment in order to perform the effect applied. 2 - Grand Reaction: A player can set up a reactive effect that defies comprehension, but drains from them and the surrounding environment in order to perform said effect.
OOOOO OOOO1 - Warp the Effect: The player can completely disjoint the effects of any action of choice that occurs in their vicinity provided they have the necessary energy to produce the resulting phenomenon. 2 - The Seal of the Geass: The effects of an Infusion are permanent, and they are treated as specialized Foci which store up energy only to perform that effect. They cannot be attuned to any person, and they can only become Catalym under extremely rare circumstances.


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