Developing Sagecraft Thread Actions in Sage Enlightenment Campaigns


In the Sagecraft System, select abilities gained through Cores known as Thread Actions can be used to develop Sagecraft related abilities such as Single Strikes, Single Arts, and variations of Sagecraft Actions, all of which are categorized as Sagecraft Abilities. These offensive abilities are gained from Thread Talents that have been shaped and manipulated in order to work in specific ways in combat. This article has been written to summarize these abilities, and how players can shape them in various ways for combat usage.    

Part 1 - Components of Creation

In order to understand the Sagecraft system, players need to understand the base elements that make up Sagecraft Abilities, that being the Source, the Form, and the Filament.  

The Source

The Source is the simplest of the three components that make up a Sagecraft Ability. It is, quite simply, the Celestial Core or Cores combined with the Elemental Sphere that players use in the execution of a Sagecraft ability. The combination of said skills is used to justify both the viability and the difficulty of the execution of an ability. The player can also draw upon the raw power and capabilities they have over an element to try and perform an action, but this may be difficult depending on the way they normally interact with these abilities.  

The Form

The Form is the most complex of the three components. It allows the player to adjust the method by which an ability is generated in battle. These forms can range in complexity on a scale of 1-5, which helps determine its difficulty or ease in varying situations.  

The Filament

The Filament relates to any modifications to an attack based on capabilities of the player or weapon equipped, such as poisoning, applying status effects, applying combat maneuvers, etc. The addition of these elements will cost some sort of additional resource, such as Willpower, Action or Stamina Points, and must be negotiated with the StoryTeller in order to balance out the cost.    

Part 2 - Forms and Class Categorizations

The default Forms available to players depends heavily upon their Class Sphere. Below is a chart demonstrating this link. Be aware that multiple classes have overlap with each other.  

Forms and Filaments Accessible by Class Categorization

Total List:

  • (Aspectral) Projectile, Wave, Zone, Blast, Trap, Swarm, Rain, Burst, Persist, Verticus, Zone Wave, Structure, Trigger, Arc, Flow, Blindside, Reactive, Targeted, Mark, Preemptive, Semi-Autonomous, Simulte, Link

  • (Martial) Pierce Line, Strike Line, Wide Cleave, Weapon Dance, Spin Strike, Counterstrike, Covering Counterstrike, Infusion Strike, Remote Cover


Class CategoryForms
AuxiliarySwarm, Rain, Persist, Burst, Structure, Trigger, Arc, Flow, Targeted, Preemptive, Mark, Simulte, Link, Covering Counterstrike, Remote Cover, Infusion Strike
ControlWave, Zone, Trap, Rain, Persist, Verticus, Zone Wave, Flow, Targeted, Reactive, Mark, Semi-Autonomous, Link, Weapon Dance , Infusion Strike, Strike Line
AgilityBlast, Trap, Swarm, Persist, Verticus, Arc, Blindside, Targeted, Mark, Preemptive, Pierce Line, Strike Line Weapon Dance
SkirmishProjectile, Blast, Burst, Zone Wave, Targeted, Trigger, Arc, Simulte, Pierce Line, Strike Line Weapon Dance, Wide Cleave, Counterstrike
BulwarkZone, Blast, Persist, Structure, Trigger, Flow, Reactive, Mark, Preemptive, Link, Wide Cleave, Spin Strike, Covering Counterstrike
OrdynenceProjectile, Wave, Zone, Swarm, Rain, Burst, Persist, Zone Wave, Trigger, Flow, Reactive, Preemptive, Link, Infusion Strike
  Additionally, the Forms have varying rules and automatic adjustments based on the original stats of the ability.   Arc Form


Arcs are forms of Shaping that will 'bounce' the elemental effect created between nearby units, sometimes multiple times between each unit. They can coincide with marks, similar to Targeted Shaping, to have these bounces only affect certain units. Targets an enemy as if with a ranged attack. If successful, targets another enemy in the same vein up to a certain number of targets, stops if it fails to hit. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category points [AUX/AGI/SKR] in dice against complexity.
Perception + Ranged attack for the initial strike, -1 to hit dice per unit struck
Deals normal damage (Bonus damage from accuracy + Intonation Roll)), riders dice reduce slightly
Targets up to 3 (+1 every 2 relevant class category points[AUX/AGI/SKR]) enemies with the initial enemy within 5 sq range and subsequent enemies within 4 (+1 per 3 relevant class level) squares
      Blast Form


Blasts are a form of Shaping where the elements are manipulated and/or dispersed within a short range of the Shaper. They are mostly defensive in origin, but also represent very close ranged uses of power. Deals Aoe Cone or surrounding damage centered on the player. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category points [AGI/SKR/BWK] in dice against complexity.
Roll Perception + Melee Arts against all enemies in the AoE
Deals normal Aspectral damage (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll)) with bonus damage to enemies in melee range (+2) if the player uses AP to activate the ability.
3 square cone/1 square emanation from the player, increasing by 1 square every 3 points in relevant classes [AGI/SKR/BWK]
      Blindside Form


Blindside forms of Shaping are surreptitious forms wherein the Shaper creates all the elements of the Shaping remotely and then activates to hit the enemy from their blind spot. These forms of Shaping will always land a critical hit, but have a high chance of missing if they are noticed ahead of time. Thus it is considered an advanced form of shaping. Targets a line perpendicular to any line emanating from the player character. All units in this line must make a reflex save or take heavy damage and guaranteed status effect. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category points in dice against complexity.
+2 to rider effect Difficulty, +3 to reaction difficulty if the targeted unit is unaware of the wielder's presence, -3 if they are aware. +2 difficulty for player success.
Full Normal damage (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll)) + 1 per total class category point
3 square line, increases by 1 sq in length every 2 relevant class category points. Effect targets all squares and increases in width by 1sq ft every 4 relevant class category points [AGI]
      Burst Form


A Burst is a form that forms a simple instantaneous elemental explosion or series of minor explosions at a remote location. While there may be secondary effects from that, a Burst never provides more than a single instance of heavy damage. Creates an instant AoE where all units must react or take increased damage. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category points in dice against complexity.
Players Perception + Concentration vs enemy units Reaction action. Otherwise unavoidable
Deals half Aspectral damage (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll)), Full if used with AP. Even damage across the entire AoE
4q AoE, increases by 1sq every 3 relevant class points [AUX/SKR/ORD]
      Counter Strike

Counter Strike

Counter Strike
The character enters a state with an increased soak of +1 per point in highest associated class category. When attacked, regardless of whether the attack lands or not, the player can attack the enemy that attacked them so long as they are within range. This is treated as an attack of opportunity as it pertains to all bonuses the player may have to said attacks, but does not prevent the player from taking attacks of opportunity against enemies who pass through their space. Player must roll Strength/Dexterity+Martial Arts + 1 per point in highest associated class category to overcome difficulty.
Treated as a Desperate Defense (Stamina+Grit with -1 per enemy attack) unless AP is used, in which case it costs -1 dice per (Highest associated class points[SKR, BWK]) attacks endured
Deals normal weapon damage + Riders
Against Melee Attackers (Unless Weapon with the Duality property [Both Melee and Ranged])
      Covering Counter Strike

Covering CounterStrike

Covering CounterStrike
The character enters a similar state to a counterstrike, except they have a designated area around them under their protection. When an ally within said designated area is attacked, the player instead moves to take the attack at a higher Soak. if their higher AC makes the attack ineffective the attack is negated, unless the attack is AoE, at which point the defended player takes half damage (2 or lower points in the highest associated class) or no damage (3+ points in highest associated class [AUX, BWK]). This can occur a number of times per turn equal to the players total associated class category points, but does not use up attacks of opportunity. Player must roll Stamina/Strength + Martial Arts + 1 per point in the highest associated class[AUX/BWK] to overcome complexity.
Falls under multi-action rules unless AP is used, at which point it is reduced by 1 per attack.
Normal weapon damage + all riders
All allies within a 6 sq distance from character. Increases width/length by 1 per 4 relevant class levels [AUX/BWK]
      Flow Form


For a number of Aspectral Powers, creating Flows is one of the most basic methods of manipulating the elements of the world. Flows involve the movement of energy, force, or material along a path that is either generated in the moment (mostly through the motion of the body) or predetermined (through a Shaping Array). In any case, it involves a prolonged flow of these elements, resulting in a continuous force or push of these elements. Player creates a non closed path of extremely difficult terrain for enemies. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category points in dice against complexity.
Easier to apply rider effects with a slight increase (+1 dice) doubled with AP cost, guaranteed to hit all units passing through or who are in the area.
Targets a set path of squares. Once selected, this path is occupied with flowing elements, in damage and difficulty passing through for enemies passing through it(Movement reduced by 1/2 (2/3 if AP cost), with reduced but consistent damage (1+(intonation roll/2))
4(+1 every 3 relevant class category points[AUX/CRL/BWK/ORD]) squares, lasts 2 rounds per 2 relevant class categories
      Infusion Strike

Infusion Strike

Infusion Strike
The character hits an enemy at melee with a penalty. Upon doing so, both a regular attack and a power based attack (which must be the default form associated with the ability Source Core without spending AP) occur simultaneously with a penalty to the secondary ability's overall effectiveness. Player must roll Strength/Dex+Martial Arts/Ranged Arts + Highest associated class category [AUX/CRL/ORD] points for the melee attack, and Intonation+Associated Core spheres + Highest associated class category [AUX/CRL/ORD] points for the accompanying aspect attack
Normal multi-action penalty (1 AP reduces to a flat -1 to hit for the martial/ranged hit, auto-hit for the aspectral hit on the target if martial , -2 to hit others with aspectral hit)
Normal Weapon Damage, -2 (+1 per 2 points in associated class category [AUX/CRL/ORD] if AP is used) damage dice
Melee or Ranged strike, secondary effect variable based on the Form
      Link Form


A Link thread form represents the binding or tethering of one or more units to each other or to a location. This bond can have up to two of the following conditions applied to it: An effect applied upon the link's creation, an effect applied while the link is established, an effect applied when the link is stretched, and an effect applied when the link is broken. This is established upon creation of the ability by the creator of said ability. Any additional condition added to the link further increases the complexity by 1 per additional condition beyond 2. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category points in dice against complexity.
Intelligence + Concentration to bind all enemies in the established area. Players already bound must make individual soak checks against damage dealt by being linked or stretching the link. Players can guard against the damage or avoid the damage from linking but only dodging can avoit the link itself.
Damage from being linked is consistently equal to 1+1 every 3 total class category points (2+1 if it comes from stretching the link). Damage from establishing or breaking the link is equal to half Aspectral damage (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll)).
Initial link zone 3 square AoE +1sq per 3 relevant class category points [AUX/CRL/BWK/ORD]
      Mark Form


Similar to Targeted, this Thread Form creates a visible array latched upon a location or an opponent, applying various effects upon additional hits to the mark or enemies who have been marked when the mark is triggered. If noticed, the form can be purged with a Perception + Grits or Perception + Energy Sensitivity roll that they must use to overcome the complexity of the mark + 1. The mark must either be placed on the location ahead of time or be applied as a rider in another formed skill, circumventing all other riders in the process. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category points [AUX/CRL/AGI] in dice against complexity.
Anyone with the mark directly upon their person gets no save but can brace against the energy it produces (A bonus to Soak equal to 1 + 1 every 3 total class category points) )
The damage that is dealt is 1+1 per 3 associated class category [AUX/CRL/AGI] points up to a maximum of 4 (6 if AP is used)
Deals damage to the unit only, includes all surrounding units in a 1sq radius at and past 5 total class category points
      Persist Form


This form of Shaping is also fairly simple, a persistent concentration of a phenomenon in an area that can effect (negatively or positively) those within. It could be a miasma that poisons enemies, or a light that periodically heals, but regardless it tends to function the same way, lingering for a lengthy period of time, even slowly moving or expanding, while affecting all within. Creates a long lasting AoE where units take low but increasing damage if they remain and are subjected to high status effect checks if they pass through. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category points in dice against complexity.
Perception + Concentration against all enemies in the area upon activation, enemies who linger automatically get hit without some method of self-protection
Deals 1 damage on all units that remain in this space. Unless defensive measures are taken, this damage bypasses Soak. Increases by 1 every 3 (-1 per 2 relevant class category points[AUX/CRL/AGI/ORD]) turn if AP is used)
3 square AoE, increases by 5 ft every 7 levels, creator can drift the area by 5ft (+1 every 5 levels) with suceeding an Intelligence + Concentration roll or spending AP, lasts 3 rounds +1 per 3 points in relevant class categories[AUX/CRL/AGI/ORD]
      Pierce Line

Pierce Line

Pierce Line
The character performs a limited range charge where he performs an Athletics check for each enemy square he passes through. If he fails in this technique the charge ends and he stops within one square of the enemy that stopped him, for each enemy passed through (and the enemy where he stops at if that occurs) the player rolls to hit them under the rules of multi-attacking, reduced by the consumption of 1 Action point Players may move up to 1/2 their normal movement speed in this attack. Roll Dexterity + Martial Arts + Highest points in the associated class [AGI]
Dex+Martial Arts+highest associated class sphere [AGI]. Multi-action rules apply unless AP is consumed, which reduces to -1 dice per attack
Weapon Damage with all additional weapon modifiers to weapons
Straight Line up to 1/2 the player's normal movement speed in squares + 1sq + 2 relevant class points [AGI]
      Preemptive Form


This Thread form centers around preparing an energy nexus in advance that is triggered by one or more action determined by the wielder, gathering more energy into its final effect from the trigger. The array is usually player-centered, and as such can be hidden from view by those who use Glimpsing and SageSight unless they have specialized in its creation. The number of rounds and the condition or conditions that trigger this are determined upon creation, up to a maximum number of rounds equal to 1/2 of the player's total class category points (rounded up). Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category [AUX/AGI/BWK/ORD] points in dice against complexity.
Perception + Concentration against all enemies in the area of effect upon activation
Deals half Aspectral damage (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll)) + 1 per successful trigger per round(increases to 1 per every 3 total class category points, minimum 1, if AP is used), or an effect which pulls from the same number
Location selected upon activation. Treated as a Burst/Blast/Wave as player chooses starting from that space. Can share the space with an ally
      Projectile Form


Projectiles are also basic forms of Shaping where the energy or element is gathered and released in a singular, concentrated form. From fireballs to giant boulders, Projectiles are simple and straightforward methods of manipulating the elements. Deals AoE damage from a 5ft square targeted location. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category [SKR/ORD] points in dice against complexity.
Roll Perception+Ranged Arts -2 to hit AoE enemies around the unit (Negated by AP cost). Damage can be mitigated by player's reactive actions
Deals normal Aspectral damage (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll)), AoE damage is 2 less (total damage increase by 1 per 2 points in associated class [SKR/ORD] with AP cost), minimum 1
AoE of 1sq around target square (increase by 1ft per 2 points in associated classes[SKR/ORD]).
      Rain Form


A Rain is a swarm-like Shaping emanating from around the environment within a certain range, dealing heavy damage to those struck. Its wide range and strong effect is weighed down by the ability for it to miss entirely and the heavier drain of energy required to perform it. Creates an AoE where all units within must save as if against a ranged attack for a number of turns. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category [CRL/ORD] points in dice against complexity.
Roll Perception + Ranged Arts +1 dice. no penalties for multi-hitting, increased difficulty (+2) for enemies to dodge with AP cost, otherwise at a slightly lower difficulty
Friendly fire ability, deal half regular Aspectral damage (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll)) + 1 per 2 relevant class levels [CRL/ORD]
2 square AoE, increases 1sq every 5 class points, hits units above the ground, lasts 3 rounds +1 per relevant class category point [CRL/ORD]
      Reactive Form


A Reactive Form thread is similar to a trap in that is initially Inert. However, while enemies are within its reaction zone, certain actions taken or received by them will cause it to emanate an additional effect on them, others, or all units in the area. Targets a wide area. For the next three rounds or with the cost of maintain, if certain conditions are met in this area, an effect happens. The conditions and effect are determined ahead of time by the player in advance, generally 1 condition and 1 effect. If the condition or effect is itself complex, the overall complexity increases by 1. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category [CRL/BWK/ORD] points in dice against complexity.
Intelligence + Concentration to hit, +1 difficulty per 3 relevant class category points [CRL/BWK/ORD] for enemy reactions against the attack
Deals half Aspectral damage (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll)) if it deals damage at all. If not (such as if it applies a defensive effect) the effect functions at a number equal to the number of associated class category points [CRL/BWK/ORD], to a maximum of 5.
3 square AoE, increases by 1sq every 2 associated class category points for the targeting area. Effect targets square and increases in AoE +1sq every 3 associated class category points [CRL/BWK/ORD]
      Remote Counter

Remote Counter

Remote Counter
This works as Covering CounterStrike, except the player designates a single remote ally. Said ally gains a +1 dice to block or avoid damage for every 1 sacrificed by the player's character (changing to 1+1 per 2 points in associated class categories), and all enemies who attack said character (to a maximum of 1 per point in their associated class) get attacked by the one who initiated Remote Counter with bonus dice to hit and to rider effects equal to the bonus given to allies. Player must roll Dexterity/Intonation + Ranged Arts/Core Points + 1 per point in associated class categories [AUX]
Multi-strike rules apply unless AP is used, reducing it to -1 dice for every attack countered. Initial bonus dice = bonus given to ally
Normal weapon damage
Any unit who attacks the designated ally within range of player character. Range is 4 square distance from player, increasing by 1 per 3 total class category points
      Semi-Autonomous Form


This very advanced form of Thread occurs when a shaping array is structured in such a complex way that it can be remotely controlled. Intelligence + Concentration allows for a number of simple commands and actions to be dictated to it in its creation (Minimum 2), outside of which it will do nothing but cost willpower or maintain points for its upkeep. As such it is a rare ability outside of certain specific Aspectral powers. The semi-autonomous construct has its own health pool equal to half and increasing up to the normal amount of health of a regular unit at class point 5 and 1.5 that at class point 10. It also is capable of being used as a catalyst for the player's other forms, though this causes an additional maintain point to keep the energy within the construct from fueling the attack itself. Past class point 5, the amount of maintain points needed to perform this maneuver reduce by 1 per class point (needed once every 2 attacks, 3 and so on). Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category points [CRL] in dice against complexity.
The construct's attacks are treated as if done from a unit with 2 in all stats + 1 at 4 and 6 total class levels and skills for the purpose of accuracy.
Deals damage based on the above stats + 1/2 of Aspectral damage (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll)).
Determined on creation based on the makeup of the semi-autonomous construct.
      Simulte Form


The Simulte thread form is similar to the Reactive thread form, but centers around an ally or allies rather than a specified area. For the next three rounds or with a cost of a Maintain point, if certain conditions are met in this area, an effect happens. The conditions and effect are determined ahead of time by the player in advance, generally 1 condition and 1 effect. If the condition or effect is itself complex, the overall complexity increases by 1. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category points [AUX/SKR] in dice against complexity.
Intelligence + Concentration to hit, +1 difficulty per 3 relevant class category points [AUX/SKR] for enemy reactions against the attack unless they are no longer in the area of the effect
Deals half Aspectral damage (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll)) if it deals damage at all. If not (such as if it applies a defensive effect) the effect functions at a number equal to the number of associated class category points [AUX/SKR], to a maximum of 5.
Targets 1 Ally + 1 every two associated class category levels [AUX/SKR]
      Spin Strike

Spin Strike

Spin Strike
The character performs a swing at all units nearby. While the player's roll to attack has a below normal hit dice, the single roll accounts for all units within range. However, the resulting damage is lower than normal as a result. Player must roll Strength+Martial Arts + Highest associated class category [BWK] dice against the complexity of the maneuver
Roll to hit with a -2 dice to hit. if the player uses 1 AP, this increases to +1 dice to hit
Deals normal weapon damage + 1 per point in associated classes [BWK]. -2 damage dice per hit against surrounding unit until exhausted, minimum 1 dice.
all surrounding squares, extended by 1 sq if using a Reach weapon
      Strike Line

Strike Line

Strike Line
The character performs a limited range charge where he performs an athletics check with a bonus for bypassing enemies threat range of attacks of opportunity. Each enemy he passes by where he successfully does this the player rolls to hit them the player rolls to hit them under the rules of multi-attacking, reduced by the consumption of 1 Action point . If attacked successfully with an attack of opportunity he stops there (but still attacks said enemy). Players move up to 1/2 their movement in this attack. Roll Strength/Dexterity + Martial Arts + Highest number of points in associated class [CRL/SKR] in dice
Dex+Martial+highest associated class sphere [CRL/SKR]. Multi-action rules apply unless AP is consumed, which reduces to -1 dice per attack
Deals normal weapon base damage with all additional weapon modifiers
Straight Line equal to 1/2 the player's regular movement speed
      Structure Form


Structures are persistent creations formed through Shaping the elements. They tend to perform various additional reactions based on their purpose. Energy structures are subconsciously maintained by the Shaper, and can be destroyed either directly, or knocking out the person who created them. Creates a structure in a 5ft square that creates an AoE effect automatically or when triggered around itself. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category [AUX/BWK] points in dice against complexity.
Intelligence + Concentration to hit and set conditions, +1 difficulty per 3 relevant class category points [AUX/BWK] for enemy reactions against the attack
Creates a construct with half a units normal health + 1 per 3 class levels that affects an area around it. Damage is as normal (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll))
5 square AoE, increases by 1sq every 5 total class category points
      Swarm Form


A Swarm is a form of shaping collecting energy and dividing it into minutiae of swarming projectiles emanating from the Shaper. This is often used to be able to catch enemies unawares, cover for other techniques, etc. Creates a swarm of projectiles in a direction, striking all enemies in a massive AoE for low damage. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category points [AUX/AGI/ORD] in dice against complexity.
Roll for up to 4(+1 every 3 relevant class levels[AUX/AGI/ORD]) enemies within a certain width AoE of a targeted direction. Treated as if firing an automatic weapon with multi-action penalties unless AP is used, otherwise -1 dice per 2 units.
Deals half Aspectral damage (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll)) per projectile. Number of projectiles is determined by number of successful Intonation rolls in this damage roll +3. Enemies can be struck more than once if the number of projectiles exceeds double the number of enemies in the area, up to 1/2 (rounding down) of the total projectiles for a single target
Width of 3 squares + 2 for every 3 relevant class levels[AUX/AGI/ORD], hits units above the ground
      Targeted Form


Targeted forms of Aspecteal power require the targets to be marked in some way for them to be most effective, either through concentrated focus (Perception + Concentration) or through some sort of elemental signature placed on them or analyzed on them (Perception + Energy Sensitivity). Once marked, the wielder of this power gathers energy to create an effect that either emanates from, or homes towards, those targeted. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category [AUX, AGI, CRL, SKR] points in dice against complexity.
Once an enemy is marked, the only method of avoiding damage is to move under cover. Using AP adds a Perception + associated class category [AUX/AGI/CRL/SKR] check to determine the number of enemies that can be targeted at once (Minimum of 2)
The damage of targeted abilities is minute, as they are better suited to apply status effects rather than to deal damage. The damage that is dealt is 1+1 per 3 associated class category points [AUX/CRL/AGI/SKR] up to a maximum of 4 (6 if AP is used)
None, only targeted unit(s)
      Trap Form


A Trap is a form of Aspectral Power that is initially inert when placed in a location. Upon the presence of simple triggers such as vibrations, the trap activates, creating a large and potent effect to all enemies within. Creates a trap that triggers upon enemy approach with conditions set, providing damage and effects to all within the trap's AoE range. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category [CRL/AGI] points in dice against complexity.
Intelligence + Concentration to set up conditions. +1 dice per two relevant class category points[CRL/AGI] to hit if the enemy is unaware, increasing by +2 if AP is consumed
Deals normal Aspectral damage (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll)), unaware units cannot perform a defensive action against traps, aware units can.
1 square trap location, 3sq trigger and effect AoE centered on the trap location, trigger and effect AoE increases by 1sq every 3 relevant class category points [CRL/AGI], lasts 1 minute per class category point
      Trigger Form


Tiggers are brief releases of near-raw primordial energy that trigger an elemental effect upon collision with objects or enemies, a form of Shaping based more on reaction than action. This is normally an advanced skill that requires the ability to at least Glimpse to obtain, and as a result, can be very hard to counter or evade. Creates an AoE from a select shape of the player's discretion (Can function as a Projectile, Burst or Zone in terms of triggering shape) . Each enemy struck creates a minor AoE effect around them as if struck by a projectile. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category points [AUX/SKR/BWK] in dice against complexity.
Intelligence + Ranged Arts to hit. difficulty to react increases by 2 when AP is used. Upon being hit, the secondary effect automatically hits the enemy and all surrounding enemies, even if not affected, must roll another reaction to evade that damage
Regular Aspectral Damage (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll)) +1 per two relevant class category levels [AUX/SKR/BWK]
AoE akin to Wave, Burst, or Blast, secondary AoE equal to a 3 square surrounding the hit target.
      Verticus Form


A Verticus (Plural: Vertici) is a form similar to a wave, except emanating from a surface, separate from the Shaper themselves, such as the ground, sky, or any other location not near the Shaper. Because of this, these sort of Shaping abilities can deal immense destruction in a concentrated area. Targets a square where enemies on the ground take additional damage in an AoE (negated by a reactive response) but enemies in the air take a devastating hit. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category points [CRL/AGI] in dice against complexity.
Target square, Player rolls Perception + Concentration
Enemies take 2 dice increase of normal Aspectral damage (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll)), but the damage is always negated by a successful defensive reaction with a -2 difficulty on grounded targets and a +2 difficulty on Airborne targets. All targets below 60 ft (but not on the ground) take the bonus damage in a way that bypasses soak and must make an additional stabilizing reaction or fall prone to the ground to take fall damage.
Single target square, increases by to 2 sq AoE at 5 class points and 3sq AoE at 10 total class points, vertical default of 10 yards high + 10 every 2 relevant class points [CRL/AGI].
      Wave Form


Waves are a form of Shaping where the energy/element is gathered and released as a constant stream emanating from the Shaper's location, providing constant pressure and damage for the duration. Waves can be short or long lived depending on the amount of energy put in them. Deals scaling AoE damage in a line from the player character's location. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category points [CRL/ORD] in dice against complexity.
Roll Perception + Ranged Arts, all targeted enemies not in point blank range can react to reduce/negate damage (spending AP increases the difficulty of doing so by 1 per 2 points in relevant classes[CRL/ORD])
Deals normal Aspectral damage (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll)) and applies any rider effects to all enemies in the row.
Line length default of 3 squares, increases by 1 sq every 2 additional points in relevant class levels [CRL, ORD]
      Weapon Dance

Weapon Dance

Weapon Dance
The character attacks all units in a square originating from a point within 5 feet of their location at a slight penalty. if there is an empty space within the square after at least one successful attack on an enemy in said square, the player can chose to end this maneuver landing in said square. Otherwise they return to their starting position. To perform, roll Dexterity+Martial Arts + Highest associated class points [CRL/AGI/SKR] in dice
Multi-strike rules apply unless AP is used, reducing it to -1 for every (highest associated class points[CRL/AGI/SKR]) units
Deals normal weapon damage to all within AoE, with a penalty of -2 dice for all riders.
3ft Square (edge from threatened area), increasing by 1 square size in per 2 points in associate classes [CRL/AGI/SKR]
      Wide Cleave

Wide Cleave

Wide Cleave
The character attacks in a cone attack striking an enemy unit in melee range and those beyond the target in a cone shape. This cone increases in size if the attacker is wielding a Reach weapon. The player rolls to hit the target unit and enemies immediately behind them under the multi-attack rules, with each five foot iteration beyond that hitting with an additional penalty. Roll Strength + Martial Arts + Highest points in associated class [SKR/BWK] in dice
Dex+Martial+Highest Associated class sphere points[SKR, BWK]. Regular multi-strike rules apply unless AP is consumed. which reduces to -1 per enemy struck (an additional -1 for increased distance) .
Deals normal weapon damage to all within AoE, chance of riders affecting those hit reduces per -1 distance in cone.
Cone from target unit reaching 2 squares beyond the target, increasing by 1sq per 3 relevant class levels [SKR/BWK]
      Zone Form


Zones are a form of Shaping exclusively focused on manipulating the elements within a designated and given space. Once the Shaping Array has been implemented and the energy applied, the effects of this form of Shaping will tend to continue uninterrupted unless its core energies are disrupted. Deals variable AoE damage over the course of multiple rounds centering on a large area. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category points [CRL/SKR/BWK/ORD] in dice against complexity.
Perception + Concentration against all enemies in the area, enemies can react to reduce/negate damage (Using AP increases difficulty)
Deals normal Aspectral damage (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll))
4 square AoE increasing by 1 square size every 3 relevent class category points [CRl/SKR/BWK/ORD]
      Zone Wave Form

Zone Wave

Zone Wave
Zone Waves are a form of Shaping where the effects of a zone are simplified, but repeated over a set distance from each other in a designated direction. This can result in waves of miniature explosions, lightning bolts, or other phenomenon that can be directed at individuals or groups of people. Targets a short line or cone effect that continues to move in the direction directed every round up to 3 rounds. Roll the necessary Elemental Spheres (with additional sphere points if possible for power) + 1 per associated class category points [CRL/SKR/ORD] in dice against complexity.
Intelligence + Concentration to hit, +1 difficulty per 3 relevant class category points [CRL/SKR, ORD] for enemy reactions against the attack
Normal Aspectral Dmg(ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll))
15ft line or cone, increases line width by 10 and all length by 5 every 3 relevant class category points [CRL/SKR/ORD]
      Chain Thread


A Chain Thread is an internalized sequential combination of two or more other forms. This can be done either to increase the potency of one of the forms (Example, creating an Arc that will guarantee units are bound to a set location with a Link even if they are beyond the normal range), or spread damage over a larger series of targets (Creating a Zone following a Link that pulls enemies into it). Any character capable of creating more than one Thread ability is capable of Chaining Threads together. The rules are as follows:
  • The complexity of the ability is equal to the sum of the individual Thread forms divided by 2 (rounding up) +1. This resulting number is not reduced by AP as normal unless the resulting ability is formally Woven and Mastered by the character who uses it.
  • The damage of the ability must sum to a maximum of normal Aspectral Damage (ADMG = (Number of successes - Botches) + Intonation Roll)), but may be enhanced by sacrificing damage, accuracy or area in one form or another.
  • Any conditions can be made more complex by sacrificing accuracy, area or damage for additional complexity without normal penalty, such as adding more effects to a Link effect.
  • The area of effect for each ability can be enhanced or reduced as the above.
  • All of these elements are subject to negotiation with the Storyteller.
See above
See above
See above
      Clarification on Basic Aspectral Damage/Effectiveness Aspectral Damage/Effectiveness should be dependant more on the Intonation of the player than the spheres of the player. Therefore the general rule for Aspectral Damage is, once the number of successes have been reached, Number of successes - number of failures, botches not included, so long as the number does not go lower than 0. For example, if the complexity of an attack was 2, and the player rolls 5 dice with 3 successes, they are guaranteed 1 damage on top of the successes of their Intonation roll. However, if the reverse is true (5 Dice, 2 sucesses) they must rely on the successes of their Intonation roll to add additional damage.   If a player has reduced their difficulty or complexity to the point where they do not need to roll to succeed at an attack, they must instead roll the base complexity at a difficulty of 4 to determine the extra damage they gain from such mastery.  

Part 3 - Rules on Shaping, Weaving, and Mastery

  While all of these rules pertain to the structured development of abilities, this is not to say that players are limited to only these forms. The creation and manipulation of the elements is available to all with access to the spheres of said elements. However, these rules help reduce the complexity and difficulty of some of the greater forms. Below is an overview of how different processes are treated in the creation of different effects under various circumstances.   -Shaping-   Shaping an Art with Aspectral power, both in and out of battle, relies on the nature of two things: its difficulty and its complexity. When wielding the elements, depending on the volume of the elements and the character's capacitance, things can become more difficult. However, under normal circumstances, wielding power is a default difficulty (6+) affair. The complexity is dictated by the charts as laid out above, requiring a set number of successes, but those successes are reduced through the use of AP in the manifestation of the ability. The difficulty is reduced by 1 by training in it as part of your class category (or by gaining it outside of that), the difficulty and complexity are further reduced by 1 if the player goes through the process of Weaving the Thread, and the complexity is reduced by 1 more if the player has Mastered the woven ability. This is demonstrated better through a small chart with a simple ability shown below:
  • Shaping a Fireball without training in it requires 3 successful rolls at 6 or higher to succeed (Stated as Complexity 3, Difficulty 6).
  • Shaping a Fireball without training but using AP reduces the complexity by 1 (Complexity 2, Difficulty 6)
  • Shaping a Fireball with training but without using AP reduces the difficulty by 1 (Complexity 3, Difficulty 5). Using AP it becomes Complexity 2, Difficulty 5.
  • Shaping a Fireball as a Thread Action (Fireball creation is woven into Celestial Tapestry), reduces the difficulty and complexity by 1 to become Complexity 2, Difficulty 5 (Untrained)| Complexity 2, Difficulty 4 (Trained)| Complexity 1, Difficulty 4 (Trained using AP)
  • Shaping a Fireball when Mastered reduces the complexity by 1 more. Thus casting a Trained Fireball without using AP becomes Complexity 1 Difficulty 4, and with AP use becomes Complexity 0 (Guaranteed unless botched), Difficulty 4)
Thus it behooves the player and gives them great incentive to try to learn and master as many abilities as they deem fit.     -Weaving-   Weaving is the term for the infusion of a developed skill within their Celestial Tapestry. It is essentially like muscle memory except done within the confines of one's power. To do so requires several elements. 1 - A strong, practiced concept of what you want to do within the confines of your elemental sphere powers and/or your Celestial Cores 2 - Fibres collected from monstrosities or absorbed from consumption. 3 - EXP or collected Ambience   Once this is established, these resources are expended and the ability becomes part of your repertoire, with the benefits as laid out above. While this is possible with any ability you can think of, there are of course major benefits to using Threads to develop Trained abilities.   -Mastery-   By Expending EXP and a bit of time undergoing focused training, playable characters can Master abilities they've woven into Threads. This mastery process provides a number of benefits to the player, including:
  • Reduced complexity of the ability (-1)
  • The ability to modify the Threaded ability without increased complexity (up to 2 modifiers)
  • Standardize the AP cost for use in a Pattern to 1.
Aspect Core Rules
  • A Core is a psionic representation of an aspect of one's elemental powers under their control. This is used as a basis for the creation of skills for situations in and out of battle, and players dialogue with the Storyteller in the development of Thread Abilities. To that end, the following rules and terminologies apply.
  Core Usage and interconnection terminology  
  • Below are the terms used to distinguish how Cores work together in the system.
  • Duality Cores represent the ability to perform two or more actions fluidly. They are the Default Core Type, and can be used singularly to craft Thread abilities.
  • Empty Cores represent Cores that must be filled with a specific elemental energy to be used properly. Once filled, they are permanently aligned with this elemental energy (providing passive benefits) and can be treated as a Duality Core for the purposes of creating Thread abilities.
  • Hollow Cores are similar to Empty Cores, but lack the permanency element and benefit effects of an Empty Core, allowing the player to manipulate different elements at different times. It needs to be filled with one or more energies in order to be treated as a Duality Core, and wielding more than one energy at once increases difficulty and complexity by each additional element
  • Phenom Cores represent the absorption, replication and manipulation of a phenomenon. These can either function as Empty or Hollow Cores for the purposes of how permanent the effect is once absorbed. They have no issue wielding the multiple elements that may make up the phenomenon, but parsing those elements may increase the initial difficulty of wielding Thread skills made in such a way.
  • Linked Cores represent Cores that are, by default, used simulataneously. This means that, with no additional burden in terms of time taken once trained, the wielder of these cores can use all simultaneously without incurring any additional cost. Unlinking the Cores and using them seperately is possible, but increases the initial difficulty of wielding Thread skills developed that way. A Linked Core can also be Linked to a Duality, preventing the use of a specific core without the activation of the other, but not vice versa
  • Harmonium Cores are cores that cannot be wielded by themselves, but must be wielded with at least one other core for activation of their abilities. This slightly increases the resource cost in developing the Thread Skill, but incurs no additional penalties in the usage of said skill. in other words, so long as they are not wielded singularly, Harmonium Cores incur no additional action penalties when used simulataneously with at least 1 other Core
    Raw Sphere Manipulation  
  • When players get to 5 or more points in a sphere, they are able to wield the raw power of an element they have access to, with a great deal of difficulty. This increases the resources needed to create the Thread Skill by an additional 50% rounded up, the initial, unmastered ability difficulty by 2, and the initial complexity by +2, unless it is specifically one of the powers mentioned prior to 5 points in that sphere. These additional penalties are nullified upon mastery, and the penalties are reduced by 1 for every 2 levels beyond 5.

Part 4 - Pattern Creation

By expending more EXP, players can create patterns, compressing the time needed to perform actions that have been woven into Thread into a single action that takes all of their effort and focus (preventing them from performing reactions on that turn). Performing such a Pattern comes with rules, of course, and those rules are as follows:
  • Any Thread with a complexity greater than 3 after AP is used cost 2AP instead of one unless the Thread is mastered
  • Any Pattern that begins with an Aspectral ability that the character needs to channel to wield is treated as channeled and its activation is delayed to the next round. If delayed as such, it is treated as a normal action, allowing the playable character to move and react on their next turn.
  • The player must roll against a complexity equal to half the total sum of all Thread's complexity (reduced by AP use) divided by 2 -1 per Thread in the pattern, and roll against a difficulty of 7 reduced by 1 per Mastered Thread involved in the process.
  • No AP is regained when an ability of this nature is activated.


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