Elmentai - Force of Structure and Being (ell-men-TIE)


"All things have form. All things have properties from which they are described. All things have their being, which is, they exist in a stable, knowable form. The primordial force of Elmentai gives all things their properties, their form, and their existence."
  This Primordial Force denotes the properties of all things, given by their arrangement and their setup. It is the force by which all things have their being. Elmentai indwells all things that exist on such a fundamental level that it remains undetectable towards most people. However, it appears prominently in a number of aspects of the Celestient universe that are not as obvious at first.   The structures that allow people to use their Aspectral abilities inherently is derived from this power, in the most minute sense. Elmentai is the primary force that allows Flux to be malleable at all, as it is necessary for it to hold any form or gain any property, rather than remain inert. Any being whose body is composed of elements without any distinct shape (The Illyn, The Entuorbis, and the Celestient itself) take on forms primarily through the use of this force, and thereby can change shape accordingly.   Modern studies have determined that a depletion of this force in an object or being does not cause them to die but rather to lose their existential presence and ability to effect things in tangible reality. This is known as Existence Dilution, and depleting this too much can cause someone to dissolve out of tangible existence      

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Elmentai

Sphere NumberDescription
OPsionic Material Analysis: Individuals with this power can, through varying means, determine the properties of a material through analysis. This could occur through SageSight observation, Tactile sensing, or through other methods. This process becomes easier as the individual advances in connection to this sphere.
OOPsionic Energy Analysis: Individuals with this power can determine the properties of any force or energy they come across through analysis. Like Psionic Material Analysis, this process becomes easier with advances in connection to this sphere.
OOOProperty Mimicry: Individuals with this power can take one property of an object they have recently analyzed and mimic it on an object that they are currently wearing or wielding with a minor attunement (Worn/used for at least 24 hours) or greater. This lasts for one hour and the window of time where the analysis can be re-applied is half a day.
OOOOProperty Application: Works as property mimicry, except it can be applied to anything within their line of sight, and can apply both to materials and energy structures.
OOOOO1 - Property Conglomeration: Works as Property application, but lasts 6 times as long and can apply to up to 6 properties, from different objects/energies at the same time. 2 - Structural Control: Any material or energy with which the player is familiar (read: has at least 1 point in that sphere) can achieve limited control over said material or energy
OOOOO OElemental Structuring: Individuals with this power can force any material or energy that surrounds them into a simple shape, and apply any Property Application to said structure. The structure in question is constantly under the effects of Structural Control for as long as its existence is maintained.
OOOOO OOProperty Attunement: Individuals who have this power can maintain the properties of control over an elemental structure of choice for as long as their power maintains said structure (for Elemental Structures) or have attunement with said object. Elemental Structures increase in complexity.
OOOOO OOOUniversal Attunement: Individuals can transfer properties from any object/energy to any other object/energy, even if they have no attunement property
OOOOO OOOOAttunement of Inherent Structure: All Elemental Structures and Property Transfers are now virtually permanent, no longer requiring energy to maintain. These structures may be attuned to, but cannot become Catalym and benefit from the unbreakable nature of Catalym.


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