Estricto - Force of Concussion and Striking


"Estricto, is the force that comes from the collision of objects. Every strike, every hit, or even the pressure of a cactus needle penetrating the skin, makes use of this force. To harness it is deadly, and to wield it in its raw form is to tame raw destruction."
Estricto represents the force behind the collision of physical objects, as well as the reverberations of those forces within said objects. It is what allows for elasticity and tension in objects, and governs the equal and opposite reaction that results whenever any object strikes another. Harnessing it is therefore difficult, and generally requires a physical conduit.      

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Estricto

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Striking Sense: The player is able to sense the forces of physical pressure in their environment, as well as how powerful a strike is, with precision. 2 - Counter Sense: In addition to knowing how powerful a strike is, the player can also estimate how much energy will be needed to directly nullify a strike.
OOShape Strike: The player is able shape the nature of a physical strike against an object. This allows the conversion of a blunt strike into a piercing one, a reverberating one into a slashing one, etc. The precise nature of the resulting shaped force increases with additional points in this sphere.
OOOGenerate Concussive Force: The player is able to generate an aura of concussive force surrounding themselves or any object that they hold. This Concussive Aura must remain tethered to the body of the one who generated it, and cannot be shaped further, but can be used to perform Shape Strikes without the weapon or appendage directly striking the object.
OOOOInnate Resilience: The player imbues their body with their aura, rendering them resistant to physical attacks. This can be applied to held objects as well.
OOOOOShape Concussive Force: The concussive force generated by the aura can itself be shaped in simple shapes and used to attack enemies, and functioning as a weapon wielded by the player.
OOOOO OProjection of Strikes: The concussive Aura can be projected outward from the player dealing the kinds of damage designated by the player.
OOOOO OOBreak Resilience: The player can use infusions of his or her aura to render the object or opponent more vulnerable to physical attacks.
OOOOO OOOProjection of Resilience: The player can project their Estricto Aura into defensive force fields, and also reinforce objects or allies they are not touching.
OOOOO OOOOInternal Fortitude: The player calls forth internal resilience by absorbing most or all of their aura, reflecting physical damage back for a short period.
OOOOO OOOOODispersal of Resilience: The player over infuses their target with their aura, destabilizing them from within.


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