Fluva - Force of Flow and Intricacy


"All things contain energy. The complexity of the flows of energy, the systems needed to contain and harness it, are not possible in a stagnant world. All things move because of energy, and all energy retains its vibrancy and flow through the Primordial force of Fluva."
  This Primordial Force denotes the motion of all forms of energy, and thereby the motion of all things. It is the force by which all things breathe. Fluva is the force that also prevents stagnation through allowing for the movement of energy. At a baseline, the ability to control energy at all is derived from this source, and it is deeply associated with fine control. It is also what allows the celestial tapestry to function at all, as the absorption, exuding, releasing and storing of energy are all done using this force.    

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Fluva

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Resist Null: A player with a point in Fluva can resist the dispersion of energy caused by a Null field, reducing the difficulty that is normally associated with it. 2 - Ambient Sense: A player with Fluva can determine the ambient energy in an area around them to a refined degree.
OOFluvan Control: A player at this level of control can manipulate the flow of the energy around them, but with an inability to concentrate said energy without a physical focus.
OOOFluvan Dispersal: A player with this level of control can use Fluvan force to disperse the energy of an attack, scattering the energy to become part of the areas ambient energy.
OOOOFluvan Nullification: A player at this level can create null fields by dispersing ambient energy to the point of creating an 'energy vacuum'. They can only do this in an area.
OOOOOFluvan Strike: A player at this level can infuse a physical attack with Fluvan energy. If successful, they can repel their opponents energy from their bodies, dispersing it into their immediate environment.
OOOOO ONull Snap: A player's Fluvan control can expand further, allowing them to create miniature null fields which they can collapse, pulling ambient energy into the space where the field was to cause varying effects.
OOOOO OO1 - Null Immunity: A player at this level can no longer be effected by nullification fields. 2 - Fluvan Refinement: Fluvan Control allows for the concentration and refined flow of energy, expanding upon Fluvan Control.
OOOOO OOOShaped Strike: A player at this level can shape the energy repelled from the struck unit's body, allowing them to use that attack to attack others with the ambient energy.
OOOOO OOOOSuppression: A player with this level of control can suppress energy at the point of release through pinpointed Null Field generation. Additionally, they can create null fields as projectiles instead of static structures, and can turn any null field they've generated into a snap field.


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