Flux Sphere


"Flux is the essence of legends, the primordial substance of the universe. I truly believe it is the formlessness from which all forms have their origin. Yet all we can think to do is breathe it in? Such nonsense!" - Miratana Folseyd, discoverer of Flux and founder of the Mystetuym and Zosimuym peoples.
Flux is a substance that exists between energy and material, leaving some to believe it to be the 'leftovers' of the creation of the world. The truth, as usual, is much more complicated. Flux can exist in natural states where material in highly energized physical states (such as constantly churning water) encounters a large, powerful and steady source of energy. The influx of these two forces starts to slowly break down the physical material, but does not energize it enough to convert it completely into energy, resulting in Flux. Flux on its own is inert, and while it can be breathed in, with focus and concentration, those who are surrounded by it can convert it into breathable air to prevent suffocation. This is generally difficult to maintain for long periods of time without any points in the Flux sphere.   Additionally, many people and animals, particularly those who are able to 'manifest' the features of animals at will, rather than have them permanently on their body, or manifest replications of their bodies, tend to subconsciously create constructs of flux in these forms, and as such, have control over specific manifestations of flux, often without realizing it at first. With greater awareness of this, they are able to better control the manifestations and the resulting attacks from them.  

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Flux

White Flux: Most common form of Flux. Moderately Stable. Can hold a set form for several minutes to multiple hours at most.
Black Flux: Uncommon form of Flux. Unstable. Can hold multiple properties of material and/or energy at once, for less than half an hour at most.
Coldstone: Rare form of Flux. Stable. Can only move between a limited set of properties and/or forms that are etched within its Elmentai.
Rainbow Flux: Rarest form of Flux. Extremely Stable. Is hard to control but can be made permanently into an object with a form and/or properties of choice.

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Flux Sense: The player can sense the concentration and quantity of flux in their surroundings, as well as conditions which are optimal for its creation. 2 - Conversion to Flux: The player can use their internal energies to convert materials and/or energies into flux. This can only occur under optimal circumstances at this sphere level, but becomes easier to do at higher levels.
OOFlux Control: The player can control amorphous clouds of flux in their environment. They can use this to temporarily shroud their existence, as well as gather it into concentrated forms to seal away for future use.
OOOFlux Shaping: The player can shape flux into varying forms from simple to moderately complex. They can make these forms into a solid, liquid or gaseous form, but cannot grant the flux shapes additional properties.
OOOOFlux Mimicry: So long as the player has the knowledge of the objects and/or familiarity with the materials they are mimicking in some way (at least 1 point in the material sphere) they can grant flux the properties of said object or material.
OOOOOProperty Mimicry: So long as the player is familiar with the properties of an object, any object mimicked through use of flux has the same properties for as long as it retains the shape of the object.
OOOOO OEnergy Mimicry: The player can make flux mimic any energy sphere with which they are familiar (at least 1 point in any energy sphere) while keeping various simple shapes or in an amorphous form.
OOOOO OOFlux Breathing: The player is able to breathe flux, allowing them to survive in situations where they might drown or suffocate.
OOOOO OOOProperty Infusion: The player can grant properties of known materials, energies or objects to flux without it mimicking said object, allowing for the creation of objects that function differently from their appearance.
OOOOO OOOOFlux Transmutation: The player can transmute the different types of flux into other kinds of flux. For some types, this can require a great deal of energy.
OOOOO OOOOOPermanent Flux Crafting: The player can make a permanent object from flux using ANY flux type, so long as they are aware of what they intend to make and have researched or studied the properties they want to imbue in it.


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