Glimpsing and SageSight

The Gateway to Sagehood


In the Celestient Universe, every living being has a mind or brain connected to their Celestial Tapestry, allowing them to control their powers. In most scenarios, the beings use Intonation to access and control their powers. However, if they use their nervous system to access the excess energy from their Celestial Tapestry, they can supercharge their mental processes, slowing down their perception of time. This is the basis for the Psionic focus abilities known as Glimpse and SageSight.


For a person who has fully unlocked their abilities, Glimpsing and Sagesight unlocks their ability to see Shaping and Mystic Arrays (Known Collectively as Celestial Arrays). Upon first manifestation, this ability has a low duration, usually a second of real-time at most, which is the phenomenon known as Glimpsing. When the wielder is able to push the duration of this state to longer than a second in real-time, it is known as Sagesight. Granting Sagesight also unlocks key elements of the Celestial Tapestry, granting the wielder access to Sagecraft.  


Celestial Tapestries, alongside their connections to the nervous system, are also always tangentially connected to the eyes of the individual. Thus, a sure sign of a person using Sagesight is a glowing part of their eyes, varying based on their Aspectral Power and 'racial' category, combined with the releasing of some kind of energy, or spark.
Metaphysical, Psychic


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