Ignus - Force of Heat and Flames


"Do you not feel the warmth from within your body? Do you not feel the warmth from the Sul's light upon your skin? This warmth is Ignus just as much as the fires that burn, the heat that sears flesh. Without its absence, we would lack even the strength to move." - Ideem Adwar, Founder of the Arauk Kingdom
Ignus represents Heat and Fire in the Celestient universe, and manipulation of this force allows the wielder to manipulate both. Control, as well as the generation of untethered flame, is key to safely manipulating this force in one's environment.      

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Ignus

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Ignus Sense: The player is able to sense sources of heat, including those given off by living things and natural sources of heat. 2 - Temperature Sense: The player is able to pinpoint with great accuracy the amount of heat generated by a person or object, and therefore always knows when dangerous changes in temperature occur in an environment and in people.
OOHeat Gathering: The player is able to gather ambient heat, using it to raise the temperature of a room or a selected object within it. Control over this becomes refined with further points in this sphere.
OOOFlame Generation: The player is able to generate untethered flames (flames that are not consuming anything) from gathered heat. They can also generate and maintain these flames under their own power.
OOOOHeat Dissipation: In the same vein of gathering heat, the player can dissipate heat, causing things to cool down to the point of freezing.
OOOOOInfrared Control: Through gathering and shaping heat itself, the player is able to create projections of heat such as heat rays or bolts that rapidly heat the targets they come in contact with. The complexity and precision of these projections increases with further points
OOOOO OFlame Point: Any projections or simple bolts generated by Infrared Control can also appear as visible untethered flame constructs, adding a more luminous element to the projections.
OOOOO OOFull Temperature Control: The player has full control over their surrounding temperature, allowing them to constantly regulate their surroundings to stave off rapid temperature changes. This can also be used to disrupt Flame or temperature based attacks.
OOOOO OOOCold Shaping: The player can shape zones of cold in the same way they can shape heat.
OOOOO OOOOIgnition Point: The player is aware of the point of ignition for any object and can use their power to resist said object catching aflame, even if its ignition point is lower. This causes the object to take damage but not catch in a spreading flame.
OOOOO OOOOOWhiteFire: By concentrating heat to the breaking point, the fire wielder can create flames that turn their targets to ash within seconds. Maintaining control over such a flame is extremely important and takes a great deal of concentration.


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