Lux - Force of Light and Day


"Lux, the essence of Light, cannot be simply described as the source of all illumination, but unarguably the source of life itself." - Ideem Adwar, Founder of the Arauk Kingdom
  Lux represents light particles, called Photox, in their energized state. When Photox particles come in contact with a surface, the energy is transferred to the object in the form of heat and/or absorbed into the body, with the Photox becoming de-energized, and converting to Nux as they pass through. Photox otherwise functions as light in terms of reflecting off of surfaces.    

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Lux

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Lux Sense: The player can pinpoint the exact illumination levels of an area, as well as sense light sources and energized Photox, even if they are in a dark space. 2 - Illumination: The player can gather and energize Photox in an area to generate light and increase the light levels in the surrounding area.
OOConcentration: The player can concentrate light into or onto a target. Depending on the sourcing and the strength, this can deal minor to significant damage.
OOOSearing Attack: the player can create loose concentrations of light and lob them at enemies, which deal damage on contact.
OOOOConvert Darkness: The player can use their internal energy to re-energize depowered Photox and converting it into its Lux or Powered form. This newly generated illumination can then be used to fuel other attacks.
OOOOOSolid Light: The player can generate simple constructs of Lux through creating reinforced formations of Photox particles. Difficulty substantially reduced with access to Elmentai sphere as well.
OOOOO OSearing Refinement: Any construct can be reverted into redirected and more refined attacks of searing light, and no longer need to be physically thrown at enemies.
OOOOO OODeep Concentration: The player can concentrate light to laser precision, and with enough power to potentially cut through metal with enough energy.
OOOOO OOOHard Light: The player generate a hard light constructs of great density. While fragile in the phase of physical or concussive energy, such constructs are resistant to most energies.
OOOOO OOOORefraction: The player uses their ability to concentrate energy to generate and refract Lux energy in their surroundings, enhancing both their Searing and Solid Light effects.
OOOOO OOOOOPhotoxic Bombardment: The player takes control of ambient light and uses it to bombard nearby enemies with a series of pinpoint concentrated attacks.


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