Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity


"Lightning is natures manifestation of that old phrase known by many: Opposites attract. Every strike is the ground reaching out to the sky, the sky reaching out to the ground. What remains is an imbalance resolved." - Ideem Adwar, Founder of the Arauk Kingdom
Magnus is the force that governs magnetism and lightning. To wield this force is to generate an imbalance in natural existing polarities, thereby creating pulls and pushes of force where there wasn't before. With enough focus, the push and pull can be used to generate lightning, polarize objects, manipulate metal, and even generate force fields.      

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Magnus

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Magnus Sense: The player is able to sense magnetic north and south at all times, as well as the shape and potency of magnetic fields in the area. 2 - Polarization Sense: The player is able to pinpoint the positive and negative polarization in magnetic fields and can switch their polarity. Any self-generated magnetic field is constantly under this effect automatically
OOMagne-field: The player is able to create Magne-feild (magnetic fields) of varying strength, pulling ferrous metals to the location of the magnetic field. They can thus manipulate said metals through manipulating the magnetic fields in question.
OOOLightning Generation: The player is able to generate electrical sparks by creating polarities within zones or target objects, by bombarding them with polarizing energies, resulting in sparks of increasing potency.
OOOO1 - Ferrous Conversion: The player can bombard any metal and force it to become polarized for a period of time, allowing it to be controlled by Magne-field. 2 - Shape Magne-field: Instead of magne-fields becoming a somewhat Amorphous orb of magnetism, the player can shape it to become a shape of simple complexity. As the player is able to refine force fields, the player is also able to refine these shapes.
OOOOOWall of Force: By concentrating Magnef-ields and making them a negative polarity, the player is able to generate walls of magnetic force that are resilient against many physical attacks. This wall of force can be projected outward, and made solid or used to repel things, especially metallic objects.
OOOOO OPolaric Stasis: By entrapping enemies in a a bubble of strong magnetic force of polarity, the player can put them into a state of stasis, rendering them suspended and unconscious. Maintaining this takes continued focus and concentration without additional material components.
OOOOO OORefined Force Field: The player can now refine force fields into more clear and refined shapes. With enough concentrated force, the force fields generate this way can even be used to penetrate and/or cut solid objects, especially metal.
OOOOO OOOCounter Magnetic Field: By disrupting the polarities of existing Magne-fields, players can disperse the collected energies into ambient and inert magnetic energy. With focus and concentration, this can also be done with force fields.
OOOOO OOOOLightning Current: By creating and maintaining strong concentrations of magnetic energy, the player can create continuous currents of lightning, and use said lightning energy to attack enemies or to even create rough lightning constructs.
OOOOO OOOOOConduit of Storms: The player can use their own body as a conduit of electricity, and can combine all previous elements (magnezones, force fields, lightning polarities) to create complex shapes of solid lightning.


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