Metal Sphere


"Metal is the essence of the core of all the worlds and thus, it is the foundation of the very earth itself. Who then can contest its power its wonders? The flexibility of its structure, the melding of its properties. We are its keepers, and by our hands shall this foundation of foundations be known." - Seatulasi Maganeseia, Paragon and Founder of the Matriarchy of Seatulmis
  The Metal Sphere represents all metallic materials that exist in all forms within the earth, even in the rare liquid or even rarer, gaseous forms. Those who gain this power automatically are aware of the metallic core of the earth upon which they stand, and with such a foundation, are strongly rooted enough to bend and manipulate metal in ways that would otherwise require an incredible and exhausting amount of energy with greater ease. With this and metals innate conductive properties, they can use ingenuity and skill to channel the forces of the world through metal, and form the basis of many forms of technology on this basis.    

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Metal

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Metal Sense: The player can sense metal in their surroundings, as well as identify the type of metal if studied. They can also distinguish ferrous and non-ferrous metals. 2 - Malleate Metal: The player can use their energies to make metal more malleable in order to manipulate it further. This starts with a very slow reshaping, but additional points in this sphere (or points in Mysterai) can make this malleability reach mercurial levels.
OOMetal Bending: The player is able to control and slowly malleate large chunks of metal. They can also use this ability to deform metal in large bursts of force.
OOOMetallic Attunement: The player can attune themselves to a metal object, further understanding its innate properties. Certain metals can provide the player they've attuned to certain benefits if they are able to do so.
OOOOMetal Shaping: The player is able to control and reshape metal objects into shapes of simple to moderate complexity. Reshaping metal is akin to reshaping clay at this point.
OOOOOMetal Conversion: The player is able to convert one kind of metal that they've attuned to to another kind of metal they have attuned to in the past within a set period of time. This becomes much easier if the player also has additional knowledge of metals.
OOOOO OMetal Generation: The player is able to expend some of their internal energies to generate metal of a type which they are attuned to. This generally costs a great deal of energy, but additional points in this sphere makes this process easier.
OOOOO OOMetal Control: The player is able to control and reshape metal objects into shapes of moderate to high complexity. Reshaping metal is akin to reshaping putty at this point.
OOOOO OOOMetal Resistance: The player cannot be harmed directly with metal objects, either through their chemical properties (poisons) or through physical attacks made with them. In both cases, their body automatically attunes to the metal and forces it away.
OOOOO OOOOMercurial Touch: The player can now make metal act like a liquid upon touch, allowing easier manipulation of metal objects that they are holding. This is more easily achievable with points in Mysterai.
OOOOO OOOOOMastery of Metal: The player has full manipulation over metal, and with at least 1 point in Flux, they can also convert any inorganic material into metal with concentration. They can also attune to multiple metal types at once.


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