Movero - Force of Motion and Trajectory


"Listen, can you hear the rustling of the wind in the trees? The splashing of the waves on the beach? Can you feel your heart beating, the blood coursing through your veins? That is Movero at work. It is at work in all of us, in in being so, it is vital." - Ideem Adwar, Founder of the Arauk Kingdom
  Movero is the Force representing the motion of all physical things in the Celestient universe. While many believe that it is necessary for the control of all materials in the Celestient universe, those who are bound to the physical forces would contest that such control is more primal, more essential in nature. However, the motion of an object still takes place, and Movero captures the essence of motion itself, controlling what is, rather than altering it.    

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Movero

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Movero Sense: The player is able to sense the movement of objects and people that surrounds them, and pinpoint particular sources of movement. 2 - Controlling Sense: The player is able to sense how much energy is needed to control and/or redirect objects, especially as they can see how much energy is being used to redirect them.
OOMinor Kinesis: The player creates an impetus for an object to be moved in a linear direction. While this can be done successively with a single object, the object's trajectory cannot be curved.
OOOMinor Redirection: The player applies an impetus for an object already in motion, redirecting the kinetic energy into a new linear trajectory. This more easily applies to an object whose impetus was applied by the player than through other means.
OOOO1 - Moderate Kinesis: The player creates and maintains a trajectory for an object that was previously not moving. This trajectory can be curved and its movement more easily moderated. 2 - Moderate Redirection: The player creates and can maintain the trajectory for an object that was previously in motion, and can curve its trajectory at will.
OOOOOWrest Control: The player can use kinetic energy to attempt to wrest control of a physical object from an opponent who physically has a grip on it. If they succeed in doing so, they can control said object with Kinesis.
OOOOO OForce Gathering: The player can gather amorphous flows of kinetic energy and project them outward and along their own trajectories, allowing them to gain control over Air and other gaseous bodies.
OOOOO OOAdvanced Kinesis: The player can create impetuses and has full control over the trajectory of an object that was at rest. So long as they sense the object through their regular or Aspectral senses (See: a single point in any material sphere), they can maintain this control.
OOOOO OOOAdvanced Redirection: The player can gain control over the trajectory of an object already in motion. So long as they sense the object through their regular or Aspectral senses (See: a single point in any material sphere), they can maintain this control.
OOOOO OOOOShaped Kinesis: The player can gather and shape Movero into simple to moderate shapes, allowing the player unique ways to attack enemies as well as an increased ability to wrest control over physical objects using Movero.
OOOOO OOOOOImpetus of Control: The player can use Movero to Wrest Control of materials which an opponent has control over through any combination of their own sphere and/or Movero themselves. This tug of war occurs every round this occurs with increasing difficulty for both parties until one party fails twice in a row. If neither party breaks the hold of the other when the difficulty reaches extreme (9) and both fail, a shockwave of released energy occurs as the built up kinetic energy is released in all directions.


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