Ordynence Classes


Ordynence classes are classes which focus on dealing damage to large groups of enemies. They tend to deal a large amount of damage, or spread the effects of their damage over a large area, resulting in a plethora of devastating effects. They also use their abilities for mass disruption, and tend to employ trickery in order to avoid taking damage.  

Offensive capabilities

Primary Ordynence Classes are by far the highest multi-target damage dealers of all the Class categories. Wielders of mass destruction, they spread the damage they deal over a large area, dealing moderate-to-high damage to enemies within it. While they can deal this damage in bursts or sustained over time, the important factor is that they deal most of their damage in an AoE  

Defensive capabilities

Ordynence, as a consequence of their high damage potential, ate terrible in the defense department. Taking the motto that a strong offense is a good defense, they use their highly disruptive and damaging attacks to prevent enemies from getting close, and employ trickery and elusive force to avoid taking damage.  

Utility capabilities

Aside from disruptive and displacing attacks over a wide area, Ordynence Classes provide little in the way of utility to a team beyond damage and more damage.  

Secondary Role

  • Classes which are Secondary role Ordynence provide AoE damage and effects on top of or in tandem with their primary role. While the effects may or may not be as damaging, the results are still effective.
  • Tertiary Role

  • Classes which are Tertiary Ordynence provide passive AoE effects to their role(s) especially in the way of damage.
  • Roleplay Elements


    Standard Sphere Guidelines: Ordynence

    Ordynence List of Shaping Forms
    Projectile, Wave, Zone, Swarm, Rain, Burst, Persist, Zone Wave, Trigger, Flow, Reactive, Preemptive, Link
    Ordynence List of Martial Forms
    Infusion Strike

    Sphere NumberDescription
    O1 - Ordynence Alignment: Ordynence focused classes utilize their specific expertise and elemental control to deal damage and disruption to multiple foes as well as spread any effects from other classes to affect more enemy units. This gives a bonus of up to the number of points in this sphere in terms of rolls to determine the outcome. 2 - Ordynence Access: The player is able to choose 3 Shaping forms a from which they can create "Threads" from the list above. They gain an additional 3 forms every level, and an additional Martial Form at Ordynence 3.
    OOOrdynence Dispersion: The player can expand the effects of their attacks or other class effects across a larger area to deal more damage or disrupt/affect more enemies/allies in the process.
    OOOOrdynence Modifications: The player can make use of and further expand on the abilities granted by Foci to both boost their own abilities and enhance the weapons/armor of others, enhancing their expertise with their power. This adds bonus dice equal to the points in Ordynence to any crafting or specialization ability to enhance Foci's effectiveness.
    OOOOOrdynence Disruption: The player can apply disruptive elemental effects in one fell swoop displacing and disrupting enemies across the battlefield as part of their attacks. The player gains a bonus of dice equal to their points in Ordynence to successfully disrupt enemy movement, positioning, and actions in their Aspectral Attacks
    OOOOOOrdynence Expertise: The Ordynence focused player can further expand the range and AoE of all their effects by 1 square, andt reduce the difficulty of their disruptive attacks and Foci modifications.


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