Primordial Energy and Force

The essential forces of the Celestient Universe


Primordial energy, also known as Primordia, is the quintessential energy which forms the basis of all of existence in the universe. Primordia has four derived forces, and from these primordial forces, all other energies and materials are established.    

Elmentai - Force of Structure and Being

"All things have form. All things have properties from which they are described. All things have their being, which is, they exist in a stable, knowable form. The primordial force of Elmentai gives all things their properties, their form, and their existence."
This Primordial Force denotes the properties of all things, given by their arrangement and their setup. It is the force by which all things have their being. Elmentai indwells all things that exist on such a fundamental level that it remains undetectable towards most people. However, it appears prominently in a number of aspects of the Celestient universe that are not as obvious at first.
  • The structures that allow people to use their Aspectral abilities inherently is derived from this power, in the most minute sense.
  • Elmentai is the primary force that allows Flux to be malleable at all, as it is necessary for it to hold any form or gain any property, rather than remain inert.
  • Any being whose body is composed of elements without any distinct shape (The Illyn, The Entuorbis, and the Celestient itself) take on forms primarily through the use of this force, and thereby can change shape accordingly.
Modern studies have determined that a depletion of this force in an object or being does not cause them to die but rather to lose their existential presence and ability to effect things in tangible reality. This is known as Existence Dilution, and depleting this too much can cause someone to dissolve out of tangible existence.

Mysterai - Force of Change and Balance

"All things exist in their highest form in a state of balance. For every inhale of a breath there must be an exhale. Light must be counterbalanced with Darkness. All things adhere to the balance so that life can exist, and the Primordial force of Mysterai governs this balance, and the changes needed for its upkeep."
This Primordial Force denotes the changes in the properties that all things undergo in order to provide balance. It is the force by which all things live. Mysterai is a force that by its very nature prevents stagnation. It can alter the properties of things that exist to balance out against other forces. It softens metal, hardens earth, dims light, and brightens darkness. It is what allows for Flux to exist, and allows for people to breath it without harm. Nearly every mystery of the world, every naturally occurring phenomenon that could not be explained through normal means, has almost ubiquitously been traced back to this force. Living up to its name, the ramifications of its existence have yet to be fully understood, even in the modern era.

Fluva - Force of Flow and Intricacy

"All things contain energy. The complexity of the flows of energy, the systems needed to contain and harness it, are not possible in a stagnant world. All things move because of energy, and all energy retains its vibrancy and flow through the Primordial force of Fluva."
This Primordial Force denotes the motion of all forms of energy, and thereby the motion of all things. It is the force by which all things breathe. Fluva is the force that also prevents stagnation through allowing for the movement of energy. At a baseline, the ability to control energy at all is derived from this source, and it is deeply associated with fine control. It is also what allows the celestial tapestry to function at all, as the absorption, exuding, releasing and storing of energy are all done using this force.

Fatua - Force of Consequence and Fate

"All actions result in reactions. For every cause, there is always an effect. This fundamental truth is born out into our every day lives. We breathe, therefore we gain the vital necessities of life. We walk, therefore by walking we transport ourselves over distances, great and small. The Primordial force Fatua governs this hidden but common aspect of our everyday actions."
This Primordial Force denotes the essential principles of cause and effect, action and reaction, give and take. It is the force in which all things have their being. Fatua is the hardest to perceive or sense out of all the primordial forces, but it is the most fundamental. The source of both Intonation and the effects thereof are due to this force, as are the various Aspectral abilities themselves and the conditions under which they can be activated. It also is the force behind all causes and effects, and those rare souls who have even the slightest control over it are granted near-unimaginable powers.
Metaphysical, Elemental


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