QuickSearch - Essential Close-Combat Maneuvers

  • Clinch is essentially a grab and squeeze technique. Player must roll a Strength + Grit check to successfully grab at normal difficulty, with the damage roll equal to their strength. Automatically does damage until grip is broken with an opposed Strength + Grit roll. Can be done as part of a successful attack roll.
  • Close is a maneuver that allows the wielder of this technique to bypass the reach of another enemy's attack to perform their own attack. The player must overcome the enemy's potential attack by rolling a Dex+Evasiveness to evade their attack as they move to pass it. If they succeed, they can attack without a hitch. If they tie, they attack with a penalty of -1 dice to hit. If they fail, they are hit as they go in to attack with a penalty of -2 dice to hit unless they Abort the attack (Roll of Willpower against Difficulty 7)
  • Players must roll a Strength + Grit/Martial Arts roll at a +1 difficulty to attack the weapon. If this maneuver succeeds, roll their damage vs the opponent's Strength roll. If that maneuver succeeds, they are disarmed.
  • Hold is a maneuver intended to simply restrict rather than damage the target. Player must roll a Strength + Grit, with a +1 Difficulty. Successful attack immobilizes the target until the target rolls more successes than the attacker in a Strength + Grit roll
  • Represents any kind of Kick attempt. Player must roll Dex+Martial Arts at a +1 difficulty, with a +1 to the damage they deal in their strength roll. Can be modified by the Storyteller based on the kind of kick.
  • The player sweeps the enemy off their feet with their weapon. Players must roll a Dex + Grits/Martial Arts at a +1 Difficulty, dealing a Strength damage roll. This attack knocks enemies down prone upon successful hit.
  • The player charges an enemy with all of their strength. Players must roll a Dex + Grits with a +1 difficulty, dealing a Strength Damage roll +1. Upon being hit, both combatants must roll a Dex + Athletics roll at a +1 difficulty or fall prone. Even if they succeed at this save, the one struck is rendered unbalanced and takes a +1 difficulty penalty to all actions for a full round.


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