
The Formation of Crafted Abilities


For some, Sagecraft is the penultimate step to achieving full mastery over their Aspectral Abilities. For others, Sagecraft is necessary for mastery over their powers at all. Yet in all cases Sagecraft is a necessary step to achieve Sagehood, and without it, people could not contend against the evil that is void magic. Sagecraft is, in essence, ascribing the elements of Shaping (Shaping Array, required energies, Celestial Core Intonations, etc) into the Celestial Tapestry itself, storing it for quick and easy use in the midst of battle. As people master this ability, they are able to switch techniques on the fly, discover newer and greater feats of power that require this skill to be effective, and then lastly are able to make the usage of power, both in Shaping and in Sagecraft, an almost entirely mental exercise, thereby saving up more energy to achieve greater feats of power than lesser trained individuals/sages.  

Terms of Sagecraft

Sagecraft (and Natural power in general) has various terms associated with it. These terms are as follows:  


The materials garnered and generated through battle and training. Arc-Sages have discovered that the absorption and development of these elements of the Celestial tapestry result in the Formation of the Filaments that surround the Filamentry Atoms, and as such, can be tailored towards Sagecraft Development.


Filaments are the elements of the Celestial Tapestry that form its base. They are the elements that imbue Filamentry Atoms, inscribe the Celestial Imprint of the individual, and which bundle to form Tapestry Nodes. All other elements mentioned as part of Sagecraft are connected to filaments or collections of Filaments.


In the same way that techniques can be made second nature through continued practice, uses of power and technique can also be inscribed into bundles of filaments known as Threads, which usually take up one or more Celestial Tapestries. Though this process is mysterious, Sages have theorized that this has resulted from a repeated flow of information through the nervous system that seeps into the Celestial Tapestry as part of the Psionic Feedback that allows for Celestial Cores to develop. In any case, those who have developed and practiced techniques find that accessing them can suddenly be swift and accurate to their surrounding circumstances thanks to this phenomenon, yet another sign of Sagehood.


When developed techniques are purposefully combined and written into the Celestial Tapestry for instant recollection and execution, this is known as a Pattern. Patterns allow for the Sagecraft-exclusive ability of combining Martial with Shaping Techniques simultaneously, without specific focus on those abilities. From this development, Sages are able to rapidly develop and master more techniques, as well as develop them rapidly (See: Weaving below)

The Divisions of Sagecraft

Sagecraft as a whole is divided into 3 forms, the mastery of which determines ones own level of Sagehood and mastery over one's own power.  

Tactical Arts

When becoming familiar with the base Sage abilities of Glimpsing and Sagesight, Novice Sages normally focus on their Celestial Core Intonations while in this highly accelerated state in strategic ways, sometimes twisting and adjusting the output to form slightly different techniques than they normally provide. In this way, Tactical Arts are the most logical first step for any budding Sagecraft-focused Aspect wielder or Sage to begin to use this power. Through this step, the accuracy and potency in the use of their power is greatly enhanced, and as they familiarize themselves with the flow of energies as they wield their power in this state, the nature of their own Celestial Tapestry and its elements are heightened further.  

Thread Weaving

Thread Weaving is the process of using the knowledge, Intonation, and feel of one's own Celestial Core and Celestial Imprint to inscribe and create Thread Skills within it. This reverses the natural process of Thread creation, where normally the creation of Threads is developed through continued practice and signals from the nervous system, Thread Weaving allows for techniques to be created and woven into the Celestial Tapestry itself, but requires practiced use of the developed technique to take hold. This technique is the key ability for Sagecraft-focused Aspect wielders to master their power. as without it, it becomes extremely difficult to "Shape" their powers through direct Core Intonation. Regardless of the need of this ability's use, Thread Weaving provides a significant boost to those Sages who have mastered it.   There are 4 universal steps in the process of Thread Weaving that are needed in order to create it.  

1. Generate Celestian Core

Through the reinforcement of ones Celestial Imprint and the use of Celestial Core intonation on the filament elements of the thread, the Aspect wielder is able to call upon the very essence of their own power and experience and pinpoint one or more Celestial Cores to serve as the basis of their ability. This can range from the transfusion or generation of a particular element, to the replication of a particular phenomenon, such as a thunderclap. This then serves as the core of the ability.  

2. Generate Formational Structure

In this segment, the formation of how the Aspectral element is manipulated (through the various Shaping Forms that exist), as well as how it is executed (through the various Shaping Outputs). Once these elements are selected, the ability is almost ready for the final weaving.  

3. Recall Martial Filament

In this segment, the Aspect wielder recalls and/or assigns the motions associated with the execution of the ability. This allows for a much greater ease of use in battle.  

4. Interweave Filaments

After the final adjustments have been made, the Aspect wielder combines all the elements together to form the thread and inscribes that thread within his Celestial Tapestry. However, the ability generated needs to be practiced in order to fully "set" into the Celestial Tapestry for future use.    

Pattern Forming

Pattern formations are the pentultimate form of Sagecraft used and developed that is exclusive to the most advanced wielders of natural power. Patterns themselves are simply formations of strings activated in direct sequence and parallel to perform larger feats of power in a predetermined way. The creation of these larger forms and techniques results in a powerful display of mastery and control over one's abilities, and in some cases supersedes the need of the individual to perform any corresponding motion at the highest levels of mastery. Nevertheless, Pattern Formations have also been categorized for greater understanding among the masses.  

Unyielding Onslaughts

Unyielding Onslaughts (or Onslaughts) are Pattern Formations specifically attuned to a rapid sequence of attacks, strikes and dodges. The most straightforward of Pattern attacks, they are the first that most Novice Sages generate, and the easiest to execute in a pinch.  

Celestial Assaults

Celestial Assaults (or Assaults) are Pattern Formations similar to Onslaughts, but with an accompanying barrage of Aspectral Shaping attacks. This simultaneous sequence of attacks can easily overwhelm one or more enemies, but requires more energy to execute and more power to wield properly.  

Adroit Matrices

Adroit Matrices (or Matrices) are Pattern Formations that are collections of Aspectral Shaping attacks revolving around a series of Shaping Arrays. These arrays usually revolve around a central "Crux", an element of power generated by the player that serves as the anchor around which their abilities revolve. Once the Arrays are complete and enough energy infused in the Crux, the Adroit Matrix will execute automatically, without further need of energy or concentration, unless affected by specific disruptive forces or elements, or the wielder's power is temporarily Sealed.  

Emphatic Reversals

Emphatic Reversals (or Reversals) are Pattern Formations that are similar to Celestial Assaults, yet usually activated by a successful counterattack. Discovered by a mostly-padifist Sage, this method automatically converts the energy of the clash into a powerful Glimpse that reduces the energy necessary to activate the ability. As a result, this is one of the more potent forms of abilities, with the added bonus that emphatic reversals can end with a single attack that forgoes its regular energy cost and preparation time.  

Superior Shots

Superior Shots (or S-Shots) are Pattern Formations that are initiated by an attack with a ranged weapon and generally also function similarly to a Celestial Assault. As a result of its initial impetus, this allows for a more remote barrage of attacks through a combination of Ranged and Shaping attacks, with the same downside of increased cost that most Celestial Assault attacks have, though with much less risk.  

Unique Specializations

Unique Specializations are Pattern formations arranged like the above with special additional properties unique to the wielder. This can range from commanding after-images to providing additional damage instances. Whatever the case, unique specializations provide an additional avenue of control over their Aspectral Powers for the user.  

High Resonances

High Resonances (Or Resonant versions) are special versions of all aforementioned properties that also allow for two simultaneous barrages of Aspectral Shaping attacks. This tremendously increases the amount of energy needed to activate the ability, but also results in an almost indefensible series of attacks upon the opponents unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of this kind of attack.
Metaphysical, Psychic


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