
The Means of Controlling the World


Shaping is the process by which living creatures from the Celestient Universe use their powers to manipulate the world. It is, in essence, the raw usage of the power contained in the Celestial Tapestry through the direct use of Celestial Core Intonation.  

Process Summary

In order to Shape the elements, the user of Aspectral Power uses Intonation through the psionic focus on one of their Celestial Cores to release the primordial energy, converting it into the necessary forms. Additionally, as part of the process, they generate a "Shaping Array", usually in a subconscious manner, to control the flow of power as it is being used. The power is then released in the way they desire it. This happens with such rapidity that the lines of creating and using the array can become blurred. However, any use of power without such a hidden framework renders the use of power unstable, or requiring a large amount of mental focus and strain.  

Shaping Outputs

Shaping can be divided into various categories based on how the ability is executed, especially when it may or may not involve the use of Martial skills and abilities.  


This designates Shaping and/or Martial abilities that require little preparation or time to execute, and therefore generally do not need a Shaping Array.  


This designates Shaping and/or Martial abilities that require a brief period of preparation and a swiftly formed Shaping Array.  


This designates Shaping and/or Martial abilities that require either a significant period of preparation (Channeled) or a specific initial strike (GrandStrike) in order to fully execute properly.

Shaping Forms

Shaping is also divided into various subcategories based on the resulting form the energy or material takes when under the control of an enemy or individual. Additionally, each shaping array has a facsimile of what their appearance would look like in each category. (Note: These are the basis for the "Form" categories of games based in the Celestient Universe)  


For a number of Aspectral Powers, creating Flows is one of the most basic methods of manipulating the elements of the world. Flows involve the movement of energy, force, or material along a path that is either generated in the moment (mostly through the motion of the body) or predetermined (through a Shaping Array). In any case, it involves a prolonged flow of these elements, resulting in a continuous force or push of these elements.  


Blasts are a form of Shaping where the elements are manipulated and/or dispersed within a short range of the Shaper. They are mostly defensive in origin, but also represent very close ranged uses of power.  


Projectiles are also basic forms of Shaping where the energy or element is gathered and released in a singular, concentrated form. From fireballs to giant boulders, Projectiles are simple and straightforward methods of manipulating the elements.  


Waves are a form of Shaping where the energy/element is gathered and released as a constant stream emanating from the Shaper's location, providing constant pressure and damage for the duration. Waves can be short or long lived depending on the amount of energy put in them  


A Verticus (Plural: Vertici) is a form of Shaping similar to a wave, except emanating from a surface, separate from the Shaper themselves, such as the ground, sky, or any other location not near the Shaper. Because of this, these sort of Shaping abilities can deal immense destruction in a concentrated area.  


Tiggerbolts are sub-second releases of near-raw primordial energy that trigger an elemental effect upon collision with objects or enemies, a form of Shaping based more on reaction than action. This is normally an advanced skill that requires the ability to at least Glimpse to obtain, and as a result, can be very hard to counter or evade.  


Zones are a form of Shaping exclusively focused on manipulating the elements within a designated and given space. Once the Shaping Array has been implemented and the energy applied, the effects of this form of Shaping will tend to continue uninterrupted unless its core energies are disrupted.  

Zone Wave

Repeated Zones are a form of Shaping where the effects of a zone are simplified, but repeated over a set distance from each other in a designated direction. This can result in waves of miniature explosions, lightning bolts, or other phenomenon that can be directed at individuals or groups of people.  


TriggerZone, like Triggerbolts, are Shapings of near-raw primordial energy in an area, explosions that, on collision with enemies or objects, reshape themselves into the simple Shaping Array and energy necessary to perform a simple Zone Shaping effect at the enemy location. This pulse can happen more than once. This is also considered an advanced technique.  


Structures are persistent creations formed through Shaping the elements. They tend to perform various additional reactions based on their purpose. Energy structures are subconsciously maintained by the Shaper, and can be destroyed either directly, or knocking out the person who created them.  


This form of Shaping is also fairly simple, a persistent concentration of a phenomenon in an area that can effect (negatively or positively) those within. It could be a miasma that poisons enemies, or a light that periodically heals, but regardless it tends to function the same way, lingering for a lengthy period of time, even slowly moving or expanding, while affecting all within.  


A Swarm is a form of shaping collecting energy and dividing it into minutiae of swarming projectiles emanating from the Shaper. This is often used to be able to catch enemies unawares, cover for other techniques, etc.  


A Rain is a swarm-like Shaping emanating from around the environment within a certain range, dealing heavy damage to those struck. Its wide range and strong effect is weighed down by the ability for it to miss entirely and the heavier drain of energy required to perform it.  


A Trap is a Shaping that is initially inert when placed in a location. Upon the presence of simple triggers such as vibrations, the trap activates, creating a large and potent effect to all enemies within.  


A Reaction form Shaping is similar to a trap in that is initially Inert. However, while enemies are within its reaction zone, certain actions taken or received by them will cause it to emanate an additional effect on them, others, or all units in the area.  


A Burst form Shaping is a simple instantaneous elemental explosion at a remote location. While there may be secondary effects from that, a Burst never provides more than a single instance of heavy damage.  


Like TriggerZones and TriggerBolts, TriggerBursts are Shapings of near-raw primordial energy in an area that explodes, on collision with enemies or objects, reshape themselves into the simple Shaping Array and energy necessary to perform a shaping effect at their location. This also is considered an advanced technique.


Targeted forms of Shaping require the targets to be marked in some way for them to be most effective. Once marked, the Shaper gathers energy to create an effect that either emanates from, or homes towards, those targeted.  


Arcs are forms of Shaping that will 'bounce' the elemental effect created between nearby units, sometimes multiple times between each unit. They can coincide with marks, similar to Targeted Shaping, to have these bounces only affect certain units.  


Blindside forms of Shaping are surreptitious forms wherein the Shaper creates all the elements of the Shaping remotely and then activates to hit the enemy from their blind spot. These forms of Shaping will almost always land a critical hit, but have a high chance of missing if they are noticed ahead of time. Thus it is considered an advanced form of shaping.  


An Imbuement Shaping is a form that occurs when an entire technique is inscribed into a single, seemingly physical strike. When the strike lands against enemy targets, however, not only does the technique land solidly, but it automatically executes a more powerful technique, sometimes foregoing the length of time necessary to build up more complex Shaping arrays. These techniques are generally the most advanced for most Aspect power wielders, with the exception of the Animaphera, for whom these sorts of techniques are more commonplace.  


This very rare and advanced version of Shaping occurs when a shaping array is structured in such a complex way that it can be remotely controlled. Sagecraft allows for simple commands and actions to be dictated to it in its creation, outside of which it will do nothing but drain energy from the creator. As such it is a rare ability outside of certain specific Aspectral powers.  


This form of shaping centers around preparing an attack in advance that is triggered by another attack or set of attacks by the wielder. The array is usually player-centered, and as such can be hidden from view by those who use Glimpsing and SageSight.  


Similar to Targeted, this creates a visible array latched upon a location or an opponent, applying various effects upon additional hits to the mark or enemies who have been marked.  


Shaping Chains are combinations of up to three of the above forms of Shaping, considered the highest form of Shaping and a sign of one's prowess as a Sage. For the peoples whose Aspectral Powers require the more conventional elements of Sagecraft and Sagesight, it is mastery over and creation of Shaping Chains that proves their rank as Sage.  

Roleplay Rules

All of the shaping forms (Except Chain) have slightly different functionalities in a Roleplay setting. Below is a chart explaining the details as well as adding additional descriptions for abilities exclusive to Roleplaying
Metaphysical, Elemental


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