Skirmish Classes


Skirmish classes are classes which focus on high damage and moderate defense. They tend to deal strong attacks and counterattacks, and prefer to be in the fray of battle, using a combination of resilience and well-timed counterattacks and shields to avoid damage.  

Offensive capabilities

Primary Skirmish Classes have the highest damage per second of all class categories, dealing most of their damage from rapid fire releases of attacks than one-off attacks.  

Defensive capabilities

Primary Skirmish Classes have moderate defense, as well as some sort of method (usually) to sustain themselves in battle by regenerating lost health or mitigating damage. They also excel at counterattacks, and retributive attacks of that type tend to be deadly.  

Utility capabilities

Skirmish Classes, like Agility-types, tend to not provide much in the way of utility to their team, instead focusing more on dealing damage. However, they are more likely to do more in the way of indirect offensive support (shield-breaking, balance breaking, high hit-stun, displacing attacks) than others.  

Secondary Role

  • Classes which are Secondary role Skirmish have a high sustained damage, though not as high as primary ones. Additionally, they tend to provide the Skirmish indirect utility mentioned above.
  • Tertiary Role

  • Classes which are Tertiary Control passively buff their own damage over time, or their own ability to provide passive offensive support.
  • Roleplay Elements


    Standard Sphere Guidelines: Skirmish

    Skirmish List of Shaping Forms:
    Projectile, Blast, Burst, Zone Wave, Targeted, Trigger, Arc, Simulte
    Skirmish List of Martial Forms:
    Pierce Line, Strike Line, Weapon Dance, Wide Cleave, Counterstrike

    Sphere NumberDescription
    O1 - Skirmish Alignment: Skirmish focused classes utilize their specific expertise and elemental control to deal damage in the midst of the fray, utilizing skill and finesse to attack, counterattack and parry enemies. This gives a bonus dice of up to the number of points in this sphere in terms of rolls to determine the outcome of martial maneuvers. 2 - Skirmish Access: The player is able to choose 2 Shaping forms and 1 Martial Form that they can use in combat from which they can create "Threads" from the list above. They gain an additional 1 Shaping and Martial forms every level.
    OOSkirmish Parry: The Skirmish focused player is able to focus their defensive shielding to leave enemies at a disadvantage. They can reactively perform a parry against a number of enemies equal to the points in this class category, rendering them more vulnerable to attack the next time they are attacked while neutralizing the attack. They can also counterattack attacks at range provided they have the means of counterattack such as a Thread Formed ranged attack or a quickly drawn ranged weapon.
    OOOSkirmish Skill: The Skirmish focused player has a reduced complexity on all melee martial maneuvers, both general and specialized.
    OOOOSkirmish Proficiency: The Skirmish focused player is not only familiar with the creation and utilization of defensive items but how to best move in them, allowing for them to create and repair armor and weapons (with additional expertise through Crafting or Specialization) that is easier to move with, and reduce the dexterity penalty of the created armor by 1.
    OOOOOSkirmish Expertise: The Skirmish focused player is able to Parry on all subsequent enemies who attempt to attack them and Counterattack all enemies who attempt to attack them as long as they have a greater than Minor success (2+ increased successes beyond the base success rate) on an initial Parry and Counterattack respectively. Additionally, they are able to repair armor and weapons with reduced difficulty.


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