Terron - Force of Orientation and Gravity


"Without Terron, and its power that binds us to this earth, how would one know up from down? Left from right? East from West? Without the solid frame of reference that this force of falling brings, we are rudderless in a sea of chaos." Ideem Adwar, Founder of the Arauk Kingdom
Terron represents the force of gravity, the tug that all material has but which, in concentration, can pull and anchor objects to it through sheer force. Manipulation of this force tends to be heavily disorienting, but those who have the strength and temerity to do so can find nature itself bending to their force of will.      

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Terron

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Terron Sense: The player is constantly aware of the direction of gravity. This extends further to being able to sense unusual gravity concentrations. 2 - Constant Directional sense: The player is not disoriented by distorted gravitational areas, subrealms, or domains.
OOGravitation Aura: The player retains personal gravitational control over their own body at all times, allowing them to navigate through areas mentioned in Constant Directional Sense. Additional points allow the wielder to extend this aura to others to stave off the disorienting effects of such areas.
OOOGravity Distortion: The player gains the ability to briefly redirect an object or opponent's personal gravity, causing them to 'fall' in that direction for a few minutes.
OOOOFlattening Field: The player can create a field of increased gravity. Flying creatures have to expend additional effort to prevent themselves from falling, and people on the ground cannot jump and are encumbered.
OOOOOAntigravity field: The player can create a field of reversed gravity. Flying creatures need to expend additional effort to maintain control of their flight, and those on the ground must find something to maintain anchored or become suspended in the air.
OOOOO ODefy Gravity: The player can resist the effects of gravitational distortions, and can extend this resistance to others.
OOOOO OOGreater Distortion: The player redirects the personal gravity of one or more objects or opponents, causing them to fall in said direction. This can also be used to increase gravity's effects on a single object.
OOOOO OOOCrushing Field: The player creates a field of strongly increased gravity, pulling flying creatures from the sky and forcing those on the ground to collapse.
OOOOO OOOOTractor Beam: The player creates a field of distorted gravity that pulls unit within from the ground and towards the player's location, or a location of their choice.
OOOOO OOOOOZone of Collapse: the player creates a gravity distortion that pulls everything towards a collapsing point, crushing/distorting material and enemies within a certain radius of the distortion.


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