Vivo - Force of Life and Chemistry


"Vivo, the life within us, is also the principle behind how we extract nutrients from food. It is how our body's internal structures are preserved and damaged by the material world that surrounds us. It is the principle behind both our life and our destruction, and those who wield it cannot wield it carelessly." - Ideem Adwar, Founder of the Arauk Kingdom
Vivo represents both the general energies of life within organic beings as well as the chemical energies that both sustain organic life and which harm it. Those who wield this force can cause an emulation of chemical reactions of their choice on objects, poison opponents, and heal allies and/or boost their strength. To provide the positive healing properties of this force, however, requires a great deal of skill and knowledge.      

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Vivo

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Vivo Sense: The player is able to sense the energies that facilitate life in living beings, as well as distinguish between different types of living beings. 2 - Chemical Sense: The player is able to sense the different chemical reactions that occur between material elements both within and outside of organic life. Subsequently, they can pinpoint issues in living beings with enough focus and medical training.
OOCloud of Regeneration: The player is able to generate an amorphous concentration of Vivo in an area, speeding up the natural healing of all within proximity. This is the form of healing that is the least knowledge intensive of all, and has the lowest risk potential.
OOOAcid Generation: The player is able to concentrate Vivo further, giving the force the power to induce an Acidic (or Basic) chemical reaction on contact with material. The potency of this reaction increases based on further points in this sphere
OOOOFocused Healing: The player is able to concentrate a cloud of regeneration into a focused aura of healing to more rapidly deal with a moderate to severe wound. Without medical knowledge, this can be risky, as such focused regeneration saps the body if its stored Celestial Energy to improve healing, but improperly treated wounds which have this applied to them can result in further internal problems.
OOOOODirected Reactions: The player is able to concentrate their control of Acid Generation, allowing them to create simple projections of Vivo which applies the reactions. Additionally, they can create multi-stage reactions.
OOOOO OPotency of Poison: Instead of doing direct damage, the player can instead apply poison to enemies instead, dealing damage over time as the potent Vivo courses through their body. Knowledge of medicine and/or poisons can allow the Vivo to mimic other poisons.
OOOOO OO1 - Refined Healing: The player can use their Vivo sight to perform pinpoint and minute areas of rapid healing, thus allowing for the restoration of severed veins and nerves. With sufficient medical knowledge, this can also be used to refine and isolate the healing properties of plants and allow them to be made into crystallized pills, rather than poultices or potions, for potent effect. 2 - Endowed Affliction: The precise regeneration that the player can apply can also be twisted into creating afflictions within the body instead of reactions or poison, to the point of causing various afflictions with sufficient knowledge and intent.
OOOOO OOOAffliction Resistance: The player can use Vivo to ward their bodies against infection, disease, and poisoning. They can extend this resistance to others nearby as well.
OOOOO OOOOControlled Reaction: The player can shape Vivo energy to a massive degree, allowing them to create constructs of Vivo that can perform all poisonous and reactive actions they can do normally.
OOOOO OOOOOMisericordia: The player can generate a potent Cloud of Regeneration called a Misericordia. With massive amounts of concentration, the player is able to cause general regeneration and body maintenance while focusing on healing specific wounded parts of the body.


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