Void Tide Event

Invocation of Original Sin


Lux(Light) and Nux(Darkness), though made primarily of the same photonic energy particles in different states, should never be made to collide in any concentrated form. If this occurs, there is a chance (from 50-100% depending on the angle of collision) for a tiny Void Rift to occur in the area. This point of damaged reality requires repair, and to do so, all nearby ambient energy is absorbed into it in a phenomenon called a Void Tide. This rift can grow larger depending on the amount of energy that occurs in the collision. Any being caught in the Void Tide has half of their current energy drained, and are left nauseated. All Foci's energy charge(s) are halved. The drain and nausea occurs on magick using humans, but it immediately accelerates their spell step by 1. The drain also occurs on Wraithborne, but enhances their own drain attacks with Hunger, making them more deadly for the next round.   If this occurs due to a consistent source of these existing energy sources, a Badlands area can be created over time, an area where a lesser but constant drain occurs, stifling the growth of all life, creating an area of stagnation and depleted energy that makes the use of power very difficult. These areas are very dangerous, as those wraithborne found in the area are consistently under the Hunger state. People who enter a badlands area need to prepare backup sources of power and ingested sources of energy in order to counteract this constant drain.
Metaphysical, Demonic


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