Water Sphere


"Water is the foundation of life. Without water our bodies return to the darkness and our bones the light from which we were established and created. Without water, the worlds become deserts, desolate husks upon which no life can be established. Who then, can deny its importance? Who then can deny its power?" - Akalaika Kamuei, Paragon and founder of the Kani-Honuan Tribes
  The Water sphere represents the control over all 'Waters', and mastery of this sphere extends from control over water in all its forms to include control over non-metallic or molten liquids, as well as the ability to separate said liquids. To wield this power is to control the essence of life, and as such, powers of this nature are greatly revered.  

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Water

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Water Sense: The player can sense water in their environment, including humidity in the air, and with practice and/or knowledge, organic beings or clouds. 2 - Thicken Water: The player can thicken the viscosity of water, giving it a weight and heaviness that makes attacks with water more potent. This can be enhanced further with points in Terron.
OOWater Bending: The player can manipulate flows of water. While it takes some effort to separate water they control from bodies of water, it is still possible. They can also create semi-amorphous shapes with water.
OOOWater Resonance: The player can resonate with bodies of water or sources of water that they can sense and additional properties they have, including dissolved materials. They can also resonate with non-water liquids in the area, and their senses are enhanced further as to their properties.
OOOOWater Shaping: The player can create simple to moderate shapes from water, and also can more easily separate waters they control from larger bodies. The player can also manipulate non-water liquids if they are currently resonated with them in the same way.
OOOOOState Change: The player can change the state of water under their control to ice or vapor. The speed at which they can do this increases with additional points in this sphere.
OOOOO OWater Generation: The player can generate water through a large expenditure of energy, which lessens with additional points in this sphere. With at least 2 points in Elmentai, they can also create liquids they are resonating with.
OOOOO OOWater Control: The player can manipulate water to the point of creating moderate to complex shapes, including in vapor and ice form. They can also now manipulate liquids they've resonated with within the span of a few hours afterwards.
OOOOO OOOWater Resistance: The player is able to resist water attacks through a protective field. This protective field also allows them to survive in water by pulling oxygen from the water itself.
OOOOO OOOODistilling Touch: The player can distill water and other liquids by simply touching them, increasing the potency of potions, medicines, tinctures, and other liquids through touch.
OOOOO OOOOOMastery of Water: The player can manipulate water, as well as other nearby liquids, combining and separating said liquids with ease. They can attune to multiple liquids at once, and with additional points in Elmentai, they can produce more of the liquids they control.


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