Wraiths {Overview}

Basic Information


The Parasitic union of the amorphous Silve-Slug , and the energy-leeching Darkeye , Wraiths bodies consist of a colony of minute Flux-beings under the direct control and parasitic manipulation of the more intelligent and evil beings known as the Darkeyes. Under their control, the Flux being colony moves and transforms as one, taking on various appearances and properties according to the Darkeye's will, and consuming energy and flesh for both self-sustenance and to attempt to satiate the Darkeye's endles hunger.

Genetics and Reproduction

The warped reproduction of Wraiths requires the painful splicing and separation of the Silve-slug colony to create the pods from which new Darkeyes develop, with the pods themselves becoming independent Silve-slugs which are bonded to the newly developed Darkeye. This process takes around 1.5-2 months before the pods 'hatch'.

Growth Rate & Stages

All wraiths have three stages of maturity: Larval, Young, and Matured Stages, dependent upon the amount of material making up the amorphous body of the Wraith.   Larval - 1-5 lbs of amorphous body Young - 5-30 lbs of amorphous body, can condense to a smaller size Matured - 30+ lbs of amorphous body, can condense to a smaller size

Ecology and Habitats

As energy consuming beings, wraiths either adjust their appearance to lure in enemies, or create blighted areas through constantly, if slow, sapping the energy from their environment.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Due to the influence of the Darkeye, Wraiths drain energy constantly from their environment, focusing their drainage effects into their attacks for additional effectiveness. If they don't find a good source of energy to drain, they start to consume their own bodies slowly.


Wraiths are Apex predators, using their transformation powers to hunt and drain enemies of their energy.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As a Parasitic Colony-Being, Wraiths combine the energy senses of the Darkeye with the physical senses of the Silve-slug, making them potent observers of their surroundings, even if they dont appear to be looking in any particular direction.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The creatures known as Wraiths are a parasitic union between two beings: Darkeye and Silve-Slug
Scientific Name
Original Sin
Indeterminate, so long as there is a consistent source of energy, they can live in perpetuity
Average Height
Average Weight
50lbs once matured
Average Length
Geographic Distribution


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