
This boon can only be granted by the current System Admin, and acts as a trait that affects an entire party. A party may only have one such trait active at a given time, and is selected by the party leader if more than one option is available.  


Whenever you fail at a saving throw or attack roll (or a skill check, at GM's discretion), add 1 Adversity Token to your Adversity Pool. When you would fail a skill check, saving throw, or attack roll — i.e. after rolling but before the effect is known — you may spend a number of Adversity Tokens (each of which offers a +1 to the current result) required to turn the failure into a success instead. Your Adversity Pool can only hold a number of Tokens equal to 1/2 of your character level at any given time, but you may choose to transfer Tokens to another party member's Pool as a Reaction (including upon receiving a Token you can't store). You lose all of your Adversity Tokens if you gain the Dead condition.   As an example, at the beginning of combat (with 0 Adversity Tokens in your pool) you are forced to make a Reflex saving throw against a blast effect, and your roll results in a failure. You immediately gain 1 Adversity Token. On your turn you move to attack an enemy, and the result is a miss — thus bringing your total Token count to 2. On the enemy's turn, one of your party members suffers from a spell that requires a DC 30 Will save, and they roll a 28. As they have no Adversity Tokens, you spend your Reaction to grant them your two Tokens, bringing their result to 30 (and thus resulting in a success).

Cover image: red and blue by technochroma


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