An Ode to Fire

The dream on this night is warm and inviting. We see a mountain -- no, a volcano -- the violent caldera known as Sakalayo Peak, home to the Sons of Sakalayo, and their goddess -- the Malikah. We follow a roiling path, centered between two rivers of bubbling lava, up to the peak, where a magma stone palace has been carved into the side, with interiors of marble and banners of red and yellow. The camera passes through grand entryways and elaborate halls, ending at last in a simple receiving room, where General Khaim kneels before his mistress. She is shorter than Khaim, but taller than any mortal man, with a crown of horns separating strands of black hair, which catch fire at the ends, and match the fury pouring from her eyes. She smiles as her servant addresses her, and the camera focuses on the General, hoping to listen in.

Khaim: “I have done it, your Grace. The Fivefold Cauldron boils over, Far Portal stands to serve, and the bastion of Kahlannal has fallen.”
Malikah: “Has it, Khaim?”

The General frowns slightly, careful to keep his eyes to the floor, and swallows.

Khaim: “A minor setback, your Grace. Captain Hamat could not stomach the massacre of the anassanois (ANA-SSAN-NO-EES). He will be dealt with.”
Malikah: “See that he is, and all who share his sentiment. Tash’s betrayal has stirred more than a few of the lesser rabble. I trust that you will be able to whip them in line?”
Khaim: “Without fail, Malikah. Your will is the beat of my heart.”

The Malikah nods, her eyes searching for any dissent, but she finds none.

Malikah: “Go. Take the Archipelago. Show my enemies the strength of the Malikah.”

The General stands, bows, and then moves three steps towards the door before pausing.

Malikah: “Is there something else, General?”
General: “The Mirror’s chosen. You had shown interest. But if they should interfere?”
Malikah: “Win them over, if you can. And if not… Do what you do best, dear Khaim.”
General: “With all the fire in my bones.”


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