Beast of the Arena

The cheers thundering through the arena forced you to lower your ears, lest the sound overwhelm you before the match began. Your opponent -- a bulky Lashunta with more steroids in his system than blood -- seemed nonplussed, but his ears had been smashed so many times they resembled hamburger meat. It wasn't a weakness you could exploit in the arena.

All that could be heard was either cheering or screaming.

A blue flag was raised from the edge of the stands, dyed to be as bright as possible against the orange and red sands of Akiton. The Lashunta was slower than you -- he hadn't even set in his heels, and your sword was gliding out of the sheath. He was halfway through clicking on his power gloves when you finished closing the distance.

A wide swing, Wind Cuts the Grass, narrowly blocked by a metal gauntlet. You dodged its twin without looking, and took a quick hop back. A knee grazed the bottom of your chin. Perhaps this Lashunta had seen a scuffle or two.

You had seen dozens since you came to Akiton, and took the name Balio Sondern.

Your feet dug into the coarse sand of the arena, sword twisting in your hand. The Lashunta had yet to place both feet on the ground -- a risk only a rookie would take against a Ysoki -- making his knee a prime target.

Rain Thunders Down, and the man's leg tumbled to the ground, severed just above the knee cap. He went down in a fountain of blood, his scream barely a whisper over the sudden roar of the crowd.


They cheered your name, but all eyes were on Yigrette -- owner of the Bloodsands, and your contract. She looked down her thin, Human nose at you, a smirk building in her black, painted lips. She gave the nod, and the crowd exploded with sound.

You took a step back as the Lashunta gave a last-ditch effort to sweep your leg, lifted up your father's sword, and sent your opponent's head sailing across the sands. The crowd continued to chant as you turned back the way you came, and entered the below decks.

Hundu waited inside, his little girl patching up his wounds from the last fight. All surface cuts -- no one had put a serious wound on the Champion of the Bloodsands in four years. He was taller than the average Human, almost seven feet tall, with thick, black braids that cascaded past his shoulders. More than a few idiots had tried to grab them, only to realize the bands in his hair were lined with crude spikes.

His eyes were what unnerved you -- yellow, just like a cat, but with the wide, round pupil of a lizard. Nakira had the same eyes, so you assumed it was genetic. Hundu caught you starting, and gave you a small wave.

Hundu: "Balio. Another victory you have given to the sands. Congratulations."
Balio: "If only the challenge matched your praise, Champion."

Hundu laughed, his teeth whiter than a warm glass of milk.

Hundu: "Yes -- fear complacency. One day it may be you and I in that arena."

You shrugged, but the idea frightened you. You were fast, but Hundu was faster, and you'd seen him crush a Vesk's skull with one hand. Every day in the Bloodsands improved your form, but it'd be months -- maybe even years -- before you'd petition Yigrette for a chance at Champion. Hundu seemed to sense some of this, and offered a placating hand.

Hundu: "No fear, Balio. I have no reason to fight you, and Nakira is waiting for the day you let her pet your fur."

The little girl swatted at her father, her face mortified, and Hundu erupted with laughter. You couldn't help but smile.

Balio: "Maybe one day."

Hundu nodded, letting the laugh roll out of his belly, but it wasn't in his eyes.

Hundu: "Maybe one day."


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