
Lieutenant Davies lifted his fist, and a dozen of the best mercs in the Pact Worlds filled in.

They took tactical positions among the last set of trees surrounding a clearing, hiding in the shadows cast by the jungle moon. By unspoken agreement, they split their aim among the two targets standing in the center, who had yet to notice their presence.

This was the highest-paying gig that any of them had ever seen, and they had executed it flawlessly. The Castrovelian governments were too busy arguing among themselves to notice a single carrier sliding into orbit, and the client had greased the wheels for a secure landing.

The church cultists were defenseless. No weapons or armor - not even a perimeter. Davies and his men had slipped through them like a cloud of razor blades, leaving an ocean of corpses behind them. Only these two were left behind.

The first was a big son of a bitch, maybe fifteen feet tall, and nearly as wide. His robes covered most of his body, but Davies spotted ridges beneath. Some kind of natural armor, perhaps. The second was likely an invalid. Bald, sunken eyes, all skin and bones. Probably sick with something, and promised a cure by the cult.

Davies looked to his comm unit one more time to confirm. They were on the list. Now he just-

There was a scuffling sound from behind the trees. Davies snapped his rifle up, and pointed to the clearing. Both of the men were gone. A gruff, scraggly voice boomed from the darkness.

Unari: "Hi. I'm Unari."

The mercs fired towards the source of the voice. Then the jungle erupted with fire. Tentacles made of violet flame sliced through entire tree trunks, taking limbs and heads with them. Davies could just barely hear the screams over the explosions, and dodged back into the clearing. By the time he got the sights of the rifle up to his eye, the demon was gone. The invalid was in his place.

???: "What?"

Davies fired, just as a flash of amber light filled the invalid's hands, and a shield formed in his grasp. Bullets ricocheted in all directions, and Davies fell to his knees. Clipped in several places, and one right in the lungs. He was already struggling to breath. The invalid walked towards him, but Davies had already been forgotten. The invalid spoke not to him, but called out to the trees.

???: "Any luck with Pulura?"

The demon stepped out from the shadows, and shook his head.

Unari: "No answer. What about the Guardians?"
???: "Not a peep. Sorry about your church."

Unari shrugged, and raised a hand. Dozens of violet wisps erupted from his palm, and streaked into the jungle. Davies recognized their path as heading back towards the church.

Unari: "They'll be alright."

The invalid raised an eyebrow.

???: "So charitable. How much?"
Unari: "Years. But worth it. You wouldn't get it, D-"

Caesura: "Caesura."

The man said his name pointedly -- Davies could tell it was a sore spot. Maybe something he could use... The demon pointed at Davies.

Unari: "What about him?"

The merc froze, and started looking for an escape route.

Caesura:"I got it."

Davies crawled away in desperation as the man approached. There was something insane in those eyes... He whimpered as Caesura clamped down on his arm, and the two of them locked gazes.

Davies told him everything.


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