
Next to nothing is known about Chiro, only that he is a member of the Zodiac Braves, and that he perished at some point before the group rose to divinity.

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Lantern Keeper (Passive, Constant): Chiro is the steward of Ng the Hooded's home, but in particular the many Lanterns kept within his vaults. After centuries of upkeep, he is perhaps the greatest scholar of such items besides Vic himself, and rolls with advantage on any knowledge roll pertaining to their study. At a glance, Chiro can tell what soul is inside a Lantern, and if a creature is Lantern-born. He can also detect any Lantern within a 1-mile radius, and if that Lantern is of the house (but outside the vaults) he may summon that lantern into his hand. Chiro keeps his own Lantern at the edge of his staff, and has imbued it with countless enchantments that protect it from normal wear. Should the Lantern about to be destroyed, it immediately returns to the vaults in the Ng the Hooded's home, unless blocked by the ability of a deity or Outer God.
  • Master of My Soul (Passive, Constant): Chiro's years of study have taught him how to manipulate the flame in his Lantern, creating an Alignment between his own soul and the Infinity Petal. If Chiro dies in combat, he is immediately reborn at the point of his mortal death — the fountain in Ng the Hooded's home — and perishes for good at the conclusion of the upcoming End Day. Allied creatures within 30 ft. of Chiro's Lantern gain the feat Diehard if they do not possess it already, and regenerate as if they had Fast Healing 10.
  • Only By Love (Full Action, 1/Year): As part of a ritual Chiro has prepared in advance, he may activate a complex arcana fueled by runes hidden in the spines of his feathers, which affects all allies within 300 ft. Such creatures stabilize and heal 1 HP if they are Dying, gain 1/4 of their maximum RP, 50 Temporary HP, and are healed as if by Mystic Cure, Mass cast at 6th level. In addition, Chiro may choose to affect each creature with either Haste, Remove Condition, or Resistant Armor.
Artwork by Slawomir Maniak
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Icefeathe rAven by Slawomir Maniak


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