Creator Gods

This information is exclusive to those who have crossed the Infinite Line. Speaking of the knowledge herein will trigger interference from the Monad, or his Other Side equivalent. Proceed with caution.
  The Creator Gods are a group of six individuals responsible for shaping reality at the beginning of each iteration of the Entwined Infinities. They are aligned into two sub-groups of three, with rulership over Tyrnog and the Other Side respectively, and a mastery of existence best described by Harmonic Trinitarianism. Although theoretically equal in power, given Tyrnog's affinity for Mind and the Other Side's affinity for Soul, each trinity is imbalanced in its own way. The domain of Body is the only neutral power across both sides of the Mirror, although its representations relative its reflection is arguably the most unique. The members of the Creator Gods are as follows:    


The Creator Gods often begin each iteration working with each other, but eventually begin to squabble over their conflicting interests surrounding the future of the Petal. This may lead to outright conflict (e.g. the storms of the First World) or millenia-long cold wars in which the gods plot against each other in secret. While not directly organized above them, due to their difference in power most of the "mundane" gods of each realm learn to fear the Creator Gods, and steer clear of them when possible. In terms of power structure, they are without question the strongest beings native to the Infinity Petal, rivaled only by Great Old Ones, Elder Numens, and Outer Gods of considerable strength. Of note, Nyarlathotep is a being that all of the Creator Gods are wary of, given his long history of destroying Petals.   By definition, all of the Creator Gods are above the Infinite Line, and are experienced Walkers. This vast knowledge allows each of the Creator Gods to continually manifest wealth and power at a whim, and thus each has their own structured religion and allied organizations beneath them.
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
The Celestials
Creator God
Controlled Territories

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