Curse of the Songbird

The Curse of the Songbird, also known as the Splitting to the Fey, is a supernatural affliction that affects mortals who have heard the Song without the proper protections. While not directly related, the curse is often attributed to the Songbird, as it is the aftereffect of his mighty blessing. Those afflicted are unable to listen to music without the risk of insanity, and thus are likely to waste away in this era of pumping bass, roaming concert parades, and the constant jingle of advertisements.   There is no well-known cure for the Curse of the Songbird besides death, but wealthy individuals have found some solace in the use of sound-dampening devices, whereas the less fortunate have found survival by destroying their ear drums.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare

Cover image: Screech by Vamkire C. Trannel


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