
Artwork by Anton Tenitsky
Debauchery is a supernatural force that persists across Hades Paradise, and is responsible for most of the wonders on the planet.


Debauchery takes several forms, but is regularly observed as a pinkish-red mist, which can be inhaled by participants of the splendors of Hades Paradise. It is generated naturally on the planet by those who commit "sinful" acts, including but not limited to pre-marital sex, murder, drug-use, and black magic -- all of which are legal in the eyes of Hades. Those who inhale the mist exhibit an intense euphoria, which often leads to grander acts of sin, and thus more Debauchery.   Although rare, some long-time residents of Hades Paradise have learned to channel Debauchery, creating effects unique to the practioner. Hades is considered the greatest practitioner of Debauchery, capable of producing planet-wide effects at a whim.


Debauchery has only ever been observed on Hades Paradise, and seems entirely unique to the planet. Items imbued with Debauchery often become mundane after leaving the planet, save for the rare few artifacts crafted by Hades himself.


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