Entropy in Ukulam

The Haze fades quickly on this night, and guides us in to the heart of the dream. We find ourselves on the darkened floor of an ancient jungle, untouched by outsiders for thousands of years. Blues, reds, and purples stick out proudly against a sea of greens and browns, each belonging to a species of flora uncatalogued by modern explorers. Although no creature is in sight, the jungle is loud, filled to the brim with chirping and squawking and the low roar of a predator. While some would find the sounds overwhelming, to Mist, the din is a symphony. The music they play back home.   The Hazes shares his recognition of Ukulam, the forbidden continent of Castrovel.   Judging by the flora, we are somewhere in the northwestern edge of the Ikalex Expanse, not far from the Ralhoma River. Not far from the village of Wexa, where the Tribe of the Flaming Flower calls home. The Haze shares more from Mist, as he begins to see the signs. Three lines carved into a tree, meaning that a formidable beast is nearby. A circle with an arrow inside, pointing towards home. A bloody pawprint on a patch of bare bark...   The camera swerves, searching the wood, and we see a ghost of Mist, searching his ancestral home in a panic. He dashes through the jungle brush, never leaving a trace of his presence, and arrives at the end of the blood trail. If Mist and Balio had been smashed together and aged forty years, this man would be a spitting image. The Haze speaks again. Warmth in the Clouds. The sword brother of Blood in the Brush, chieftain of the Flaming Flower, and husband to Dances with Leaves. The father of Thunder in the Mist, and Lightning in the Wind.   Mist rushes to his side, confused by the reality of the dream, but his father cannot see him. The Ysoki's arm is broken, his bow abandoned further down the trail. He lies perfectly still in a small rut in the earth, neatly concealed by the brush, with the hilt of an ancient, steel katana gripped in his working hand.   The jungle goes completely silent.   The camera pans away from Clouds, and towards the edge of the brush. Nakira steps from behind a tree, her arms covered with blood up to her elbows, with three broken arrows protruding from her back. She looks angry, but training keeps her head cool, and she scans each and every leaf around her, looking for a sign. As she turns to look behind her, the camera follows her vision, revealing three Wither Wraiths floating between the tree trunks.   Nakira: "The village has to be close by. That hunter was a spitting image of Balio. Spread out. I want them found by sundown."   The Wraiths, void of everything but a twisted soul, merely drift apart -- each headed in a separate direction. Nakira takes a few calming breaths, and lets a minute pass by. Then another. She waits, attuning herself to the sounds of the forest, using her supernatural senses to search for something more than the eye can see. The camera pans up close to her face as her expression darkens, suddenly aware of a presence.   And then Warmth in the Clouds erupts from the brush, holding a makeshift bow of bamboo and twine, and fires a fourth arrow into Nakira's back. The vanguard snarls, finding the Ysoki at last, but this time Clouds does not return to the brush. He leaps into the low branches for all to see, making as much noise as he can, and flees deeper into the jungles of Ukulam.   Away from the village.   Alone.


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