
Golarion was once a planet in the Pact Worlds, until it disappeared several centuries ago, taking generations of knowledge and history with it. Of note, it was the original home of the Starstone, and the prison of the dark god Rovagug.   In the centuries since the end of the Gap, thousands of inquiries have been made to the masters of the cosmos, but they have all remained silent. The only information recovered implied that the planet existed somewhere far from the reaches of magic, along with the souls of those who resided on the planet at the time of its disappearance.   In 317 AG, the Centurion shook the civilized world with his invitation to G.O.L.A.R.I.O.N., a secretive MMO that allows denizens of the modern world to visit the planet via digital avatars. Although dozens of corporations and governments have begun to access the game, no information about the planet has been made public.
Alternative Name(s)
The Cage
Location under

  • 2870 PG

    2370 PG

    Lost Age
    Era beginning/end


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