Heart of Armageddon

Artwork by Victor Ferraz
A Heart of Armageddon is a powerful artifact found only in the rarest of collections, said to have existed throughout the lifetime of the universe. While their origin is unknown, a rare few scholars have been lucky enough to see a Heart in person (usually as part of a deal with some cosmic entity), and thus base knowledge of them exists in the magical community. Even so, only three are known to still exist — held by the Cult of the Elder Mythos, the Azlanti Star Empire, and the Drow of Apostae respectively — and are wrapped in protections that could rival those of the Starstone. The Fey's hatred for Hearts of Armageddon is well-documented, and to use one is considered to be a crime worthy of death.  

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The mere presence of a Heart of Armageddon reacts violently with Outsiders that have ties to Law or Good, and can stun even the greatest Angels if they do not possess extensive protections. When wielded in spellcraft, the result is always an order of magnitude more powerful, perhaps even beyond what the caster is capable of handling, and corrupts the spell towards an alignment of Chaos and Evil. A Heart could be used similarly in all manner of dreadful workings, so much so that the Stewards list the Heart on Aucturn above modern nuclear warheads in terms of destructive power.  


This information is exclusive to those who have crossed the Infinite Line. Speaking of the knowledge herein will trigger interference from the Monad, or his Other Side equivalent. Proceed with caution.
  Found in a digital article written by Lod Coster, the scientist believed Hearts of Armageddon are actually the mystical body parts of some long-dead species, whose blood and flesh fell into this world along with the Godhead (which Lod refers to as "the Prime Intelligence", having not yet fully realized the significance of the Entwined Infinities). Lod was in the process of confirming this hypothesis before his death, but it appears he traded some of his knowledge on Wither for a session with a Heart owned by the Black Owl, and confirmed its aura was not of Tyrnog or the "Upside Down".   In his notes on Jestyr, Lod postulates that the Jester's heart might indeed be a Heart of Armageddon, as Lod observed similar energy radiating from his moon in the Boneyard. He seemed to be aware of the Heart owned by Vaughn Blackblood, but claimed that the Heart on Apostae had been missing for at least a century.

Cover image: Heart Devourer by Victor Ferraz


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