How They Do It Downlow

As we dive into the dream, we venture to a moment in the present, in the Alpha hangars of Absalom Station , where two figures grumble over a spherical device, which greatly resembles a modified Drift engine. We see Qwen, Chad’s recently-rescued Halfling aunt, speaking with Dr. Oculet, the Human biological engineer the Barathu retrieved from Eox.

Qwen: “I… I think it’s working!”
Dr. Oculet: “Should we test it?”

The mechanic nods, and places a wrapped package on a dais no bigger than a dinner plate.

Dr. Oculet: “What is that, Qwen?”
Qwen: “Three pounds of C4.”

The bioengineer coughs, and chooses his next words carefully.

Dr. Oculet: “And where are you sending it?”

Qwen: “Better that you don’t know. Would you like the honors?”
Dr. Oculet: “It is all yours, madam.”

Qwen grins, and picks up a pair of heavy tongs. She reaches into a refrigerated unit, and pulls out a molten core no bigger than a human’s palm, which she then drops into a hole in the side of the spherical engine. The machine hums to life, glowing with Drift light. Qwen reaches to a nearby table, lifting up a large button wired to an interface.

Qwen: “Bombs away!”

The Halfling cackles, and the engine flashes, and the package disappears. Rather than staying with the scientist duo, we instead follow the package, higher into the reaches of Absalom Station, into the Eye District, where we see the inside of the Hamisfore Theatorium -- in Hush’s mirror-walled office. The Gnome types away at a terminal, grumbling to the twin Vesk on either side of him, when a package leaps out of thin air, and lands in the middle of his desk.

The Gnome blinks.

The package explodes.

For a moment, all we see is hazy grey, but then the smoke clears. We find Hush on the far wall, his face blackened with ash, but otherwise unharmed, as a technological shield sparks off of his wrist, clearly destroyed. He grimaces, wiping a bit of red off his face, and then scowls as he realizes the Vesk are nowhere to be found. We hear heavy bootsteps, and then the door opens -- revealing a third Vesk, a carbon copy of the twins, done to the glow in their eyes, and the thread in their outfits.

Hush: “Well now. This feels like a jab that needs repaying. Get me a clean coat -- we’re headed to the Culinarium a day early…”

The Vesk rushes away, and the dream fades.


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