
Cover Artwork by Mark Tarrisse
A creature with this condition has reached 0 Sanity Points, and is no longer capable of rational thought. Upon gaining the Insane condition, the creature loses access to the Sanity mechanic altogether (i.e. they have no Sanity Point pool), and gain the related ability Insane Insight. At GM discretion, they may also gain access to a Secret of the Mythos. More details for each are given below.  


Your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores each drop to 1 (a modifier of -5), and you are unable to use Intelligence- or Charisma-based skills, cast spells, understand language, or communicate coherently. You still know who your friends are and can follow them, but unless you are attacked directly or directed in precise words by a friend, you have difficulty assessing when you are in danger, and may even stand still in combat. In general, you have very little sense of self, and go along with nearly any order or suggestion. You automatically fail Will saving throws against compulsion effects (even if you would otherwise be immune), and creatures attempting Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate checks against you automatically succeed, though Diplomacy checks to improve your attitude still have the normal DC. This condition can only be removed with spells like psychic surgery (which restores your Sanity Point pool and gives you 1 Sanity Point), miracle, wish, or a similar effect (this does not include break enchantment).  

Insane Insight

Before lowering your ability scores as a result of your Insane condition, retain the bonus to your Perception and Mysticism checks — these are now your Shivers and Inland Empire skill bonuses, respectively. At the GM's discretion, you may gain access information not available to your other, sane peers, as your fractured mind is capable of seeing into the worlds between. If your GM asks you to make a Shivers check, it is likely due to your keen (or even supernatural) instincts, and has to do with the physical realms. Inland Empire checks often have to do with the raw borders between the planes, the strange nature of the occult, and the creatures that dwell unseen among us.  

Secret of the Mythos

When gaining the Insane condition, it is possible that the afflicted creature gets a glimpse into the worlds beyond, and a sliver of the Dark Tapestry enters their brain. At GM discretion, the creature may gain a unique ability, spell, ritual, or tome as part of this frightening process, either determined deliberately or via random tables.
Chronic, Acquired

Cover image: Insanity by Mark Tarrisse


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