Insensate Sodality

The Insensate Sodality, also known as the Skinless, is an occult organization that operates from within the Mirror itself. Very few in the Infinity Petal even know that they exist, and judging by the shroud that surrounds the Triad Unremembered, they have ways of making those they do encounter forget their existence.  


The Insensate Sodality is considered to be a collective of numerous factions, each with their own separate agenda but sharing in their larger purpose. If they have a leader, they have never been discovered or revealed themselves. The Triad Unremembered is one of these factions, and have implied that Caesura was one of their number, but was banished for a series of "failures" that they deemed to be an intential betrayal on Caesura's part.  

Public Agenda

According to Riley and Gonjo (see Who's Who in Whoville?), the Insensate Sodality wish to "push down" on Azkhrumdar, splitting the Godhead in half and letting the ax return to Norn. It is unclear exactly why they desire this, or if this assessment is a true representation of their goals.  
Secret, Occult
Alternative Names
The Skinless
Notable Members

Cover image: the banquet by Oliver


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