Mantle of the Sigil <Mind>

The history of the Mantle of the Sigil is completely unknown to the Dream Team, although Chad has recently unlocked some of its abilities. There are some implications that the Mantle has something to do with Confluence, but the direct relation isn't clear.

Powers & Abilities

  • Quantum Entanglement (8-hour Ritual, Special): You can create a telepathic bond (as per the Mystic class ability) with up to 10 creatures that you include in an 8-hour ritual. Those creatures can communicate in a broadcast format (all in the bond are recipients) or individually (both to you and each other). The bond works regardless of distance, but not across planes -- e.g. if two bonded creatures are on a different plane than you are, the pair can communicate with each other, but not you. As part of a full-round action, you (and only you) can request to view the world from a bonded creature's perspective, and share their senses for that round. If allowed, you may also speak through their lips, and be heard in your own voice. Either effect can be continued for as long as both parties allow it, although sharing senses in this way requires Concentration (e.g. if damaged, the effect ends, and so on). You can remove individuals from the bond at will, but adding new ones requires another 8-hour ritual. If you are already a Mystic and have gained the telepathic bond ability, this bond is considered separate -- i.e. you can have two permanent telepathic bonds, one that works as per the Mystic ability, and the one described here.
  • Trust In Me (Passive, Constant): Your charm and compulsion spells are incredibly difficult to resist, and gain a +1 untyped bonus to the DC. In addition, creatures only gain a +3 to their saving throws if being threatened or attacked (as opposed to a +5). Before casting such spells, you can determine that creature's attitude towards you as a free action, unless they have an active spell or ability that would block such information from being recovered.
Artwork by Noah Bradley.
Related People

Cover image: by Noah Bradley


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