Mantle of the Tinker

The history of the Mantle of the Tinker is completely unknown to the Dream Team, although Lockette has recently unlocked some of its abilities. Of note, T.R.A.V.I.S. was able to identify Lockette as a Tinker on sight, and claimed that the Aga Jain was built by a Tinker millennia ago.

Powers & Abilities

  • Scrap Junky (Passive, Constant): When creating or upgrading technological (i.e. non-magical, science-based) objects, you can work with items 1 level higher than the usual cap (your ranks in the appropriate skill), which stacks with any other feats or class features you possess. Similarly, when deconstructing technological items, you can obtain 15% of the UPBs instead of the usual 10%. When working on a starship, there is a 10% chance per upgrade that another upgrade will be completed overnight, as your body enters a trance and finishes the task in your sleep (you still gain the benefits of a full night's rest when this happens). As part of this boon, you gain a +5 untyped bonus to reduce the time and/or cost to repair a starship during downtime. When working on drones or vehicles, actions to restore HP (such as a Mechanic's short-rest repair ability) restore 10% more HP than normal, and stacks with any other bonuses you receive.
  • A Soft Touch (1 minute, 1/Week): Whenever you fail a Computers or Engineering check that involves pure technology (i.e. not hybrid or magic items), you can try again, rolling three times and taking the highest result.
  • Whack It! (Reaction, 1/Month): When you fail to bypass or utilize a technological object after using the "A Soft Touch" ability, you may automatically succeed at the check as a reaction -- even if the check would otherwise be impossible for you.
Artwork by Artem Chebokha

Cover image: by Artem Chebokha


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