Med Bay // Absalom Station

You woke to the sound of an alarm. It was a high-pitched drone, incessant and unyielding, like a baby's cry in the middle of a busy supermarket. Someone was holding your forehead down, and there were bandages over your eyes, but you could hear two men whispering angrily over the din.

???: "This Ysoki is a wanted criminal!"
???: "My oath extends to alleged murders as well as innocents, Faust."
Faust: "Gods, Davri. I'm not saying don't treat him, I'm saying don't prioritize him!"
Davri: "I will get to Edgar faster if you get the fuck out of my way!"

You hear the first man snarl, and then the idle, business-like chatter of doctors and nurses.

Nurse 1: "He's conscious, sir. Heart rate elevated, but stable."
Nurse 2: "Saints below, how? He should be-"

The nurse cut off suddenly, as if she had received a prizeworthy glare, and then the doctor spoke in a calm, soothing manner.

Davri: "Good, good. Mr. Sondern, your ship successfully arrived at Absalom Station. You're in a hospital. Can you hear me?"
Balio: "Ye--"

You coughed violently, suddenly aware of the pain you were in. It spread all over your body, but was centered around your torso. As the nurses moved you from one bed to another, you felt something shift between your ribs -- something poking out of your chest.

Davri: "That's alright, Mr. Sondern. I'm Doctor Davri, and I'll be taking care of you. You've been severely injured. Nod yes or shake your head no -- do you believe you've come into contact with any dangerous chemicals?"

You tried to shake your head, but flashes of thoughts came charging in. The Wither Wraiths flooding over the walls. The Starborn rising from their graves, and attacking their own families. A jester in all black, with a mask as white as bone.

You shuddered, blood screaming as the Wither spread throughout your body, and nodded violently.

Davri: "Take him to the isolation ward, and run a chemical scan. I want that dagger stabilized."
Nurse 1: "Collecting a blood sample... What the fuck?"

You heard a harsh intake of breath, and the shattering of glass. The nurse must have dropped the vial. Your stomach turned, as you realized--

Balio: "Don't touch!"
Davri: "Get away! Send a scrubber team in here ASAP!"

You felt your cart lurch as both of the nurses pushed away from you, but the doctor's voice stayed, using the built-in console to navigate alone. More flashes came tumbling in, and your voice scratched out of you.

Balio: "Golonos. Where?"
Davri: "You landed alone, Mr. Sondern. I'm told there was a body on board..."
Balio: "W- Woman?"
Davri: "Yes, Mr. Sondern. I'm sorry."
Balio: "Pedra... Not Golonos."
Davri: "There was no one else."

You sighed, and the act burned its way up from your lungs and into your esophagus. It felt like your veins were crawling in your skin, like earthworms embedded in your blood. If it wasn't screaming with pain, it was terrifyingly numb, like a fully-rotted limb.

Balio: "Wither. How bad?"

You heard the doctor say something, and he slammed a few buttons on the console. A hydraulic hiss signified the raising of a glass barrier, and the doctor's voice was now pre-processed by a speaker system.

Davri: "I would have appreciated the warning earlier, Mr. Sondern. Wither is an extremely dangerous substance. How much did you absorb?"

You tried to gather your thoughts, but they kept slipping away. You were slipping away.

Balio: "Too much."
Davri: "I'm going to be honest with you, Mr. Sondern. I'm surprised you're even conscious. Do you have any family you'd like us to contact?"
Balio: "Clouds. Warmth in the Clouds... S- sorry."
Davri: "That's alright, Mr. Sondern. Do you know their SID?"

You had to stop yourself from laughing -- it would have hurt like hell. Such a kind young man... Too kind, in your opinion. But you were definitely dying. The Mantle shifted on your shoulders. It felt like farewell.

Balio: "Eyes."
Davri: "You've got lacerations all over your face, Mr. Sondern. The bandages stay."

You huffed in annoyance, and reached out to pull them off.

Your sword arm was gone. Cut off at the elbow.

You swallowed, reaching out with your off hand, and pulled the bandages down.

Davri: "Mr. Sondern, I--"
Balio: "Name?"
Davri: "Doctor Davri. Mr. Sondern, you need to--"
Balio: "Full name."
Davri: "Doctor Samuel H. Davri. MD, if you need it. Now put back the damn bandages!"

You couldn't help but laugh that time. It really, really hurt. It was worth it. You felt the Mantle slide off as you looked at Doctor Samuel H. Davri, MD. As you whispered his name on your lips. As you looked into his emerald eyes, at his caramel skin, and his slightly-crooked nose. He had hair like a black sheep, and an old scar that split the left side of his lip.

He gasped when it hit him, like a punch to the gut.

You'd done that too.

Balio: "Sorry."

Then you died.


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