Mining on Varos

It's Hot

  Varos regularly reaches temperatures over 140° F, meaning that most creatures exposed to the elements will immediately take lethal fire damage, be exposed to heatstroke (same rules as the Fatigued condition), and even catch on fire (see the Burning condition). Even breathing in the air heated by Varos can burn a creature's lungs, and thus specialized suits are required to provide oxygen, protection from the flames, and water to drink.  

It's Smoky

  While most of Varos is a raging hellscape broken up by volcanic rifts, distinct sections of the planet are much cooler (around 110° F), usually taking the form of an ashy desert covered in poisonous smog (see Smoke Effects in the Environmental Rules).  

It's Wild

  Varos is home to a diverse ecosystem, the majority of which are extremely hostile to other lifeforms. The worst among them is Rastelviri, who regularly scans the planet's surface for wandering mining teams, and takes great pleasure in burning them alive.  

Surviving With What You've Got

  As a prisoner on Varos, the gear that you've been given is not exactly the best... You can clearly see where certain portions are held together by duct tape instead of proper fastening, and the blood stains aren't exactly encouraging. Worst yet, the batteries on these things have been recycled about a hundred times, meaning they last for about 8 hours before you're medium well.   While they've got armor plating, flame protection and oxygen tanks seem to be the focus, and even those are barely put together. Every 6 hours the suit needs a new water pack or the cooling system fails, and pack itself feels disturbingly fragile, almost like a mesh balloon. A good hit from a monster is equally likely to rip your suit and burst your water pack, and then... Medium well.   The statistics for the mining suits on Varos are below.   Mining Suit Level 1; Price 100; Category Light EAC Bonus +4; KAC Bonus +2; Max. Dex Bonus +3 Armor Check Penalty —; Speed Adjustment — Upgrade Slots 0; Bulk L; Limited Environmental Protections; Weakness to Critical Hits/Fumbles   Of note, they have limited environmental protections (as explained above), and have a weakness to critical hits and fumbles. Specifically, when struck by a critical hit, or after rolling a natural 1 during a skills challenge, something could go horribly wrong... Roll a d100, and consult the following table to determine the result.  
Range Result
0-24 You feel something creak in your suit... But nothing happens.
25-49 Something snaps! If you roll on this table again before returning to Sauna Station, add 25 to your next d100 roll. This penalty stacks.
50-74 Your suit splits open, and the fire rushes in! See Heat Dangers in the Environmental Rules.
75-89 Your water pack bursts! Is it getting hot in here? See Heat Dangers in the Environmental Rules.
90-100 Your suit splits and your water pack bursts. Pray for rain.
Of course, your Mining Team is here to help! Check your individual role pages and review your special actions carefully - they will be crucial for surviving with what you've got.


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