
Moscaroth (a.k.a. The Taker)

Moscaroth is a Great Old One of incredible power - often equated with the likes of Hastur, Xhamen-Dor, and Cthulhu. He is said to exist outside time and space, yet he can manifest on any plane he wishes, and is immune to most forms of magic. He declares himself a servant of Nyarlathotep, but is unclear what his actual purpose may be.   In one form Moscaroth is depicted as a human man, but his flesh is darker than coal, and his robes are the swirls of the void. His other form, The Taker, is a monstrous beast that is neither tiger, eagle, bat, bug, or owl - but a combination of all of them, with something alien mixed in.   The Taker's greatest pleasure is to take, and is thus often predictable in his encounters. Each of his followers meet the Old One upon their initiation, in which the Taker removes the aspect of greatest value from their person - typically an eye or a limb.
Divine Classification
Great Old One


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